Anadrol acne reddit

Last UpdatedMarch 5, 2024


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After you are done with the warm tea bag, press and hold it to the zit for about 30 seconds to a minute. This week we are discussing Oxandrolone aka Anavar or Var. It also produces a fat moon face and watery look. This is why you should take things to protect your liver and check it often. Test 500 mg weekly. Pros: no AI, no DA, strength was stupid (better than 750mg test), easier BP management, no real sides to speak of. Always talk to a doctor or an expert before starting steroids. Main goal is just adding as much lean mass as possible during the 20 week cycle and I will be leaning out at the end. That is why it is not advisable to stack orals. Anadrol is potent and should never be run solo. Titrate those up as and when needed. 5 week break and then started again. You'll get more lasting results from a creatine preworkout over the long run. I'm thinking of running a low dose anadrol (20-25mg) every day for a few weeks to use in combination with RU58841 as Derek has suggested in the video. Ridiculous pump and fullness. Both products will have similar androgenic side effects, which include; acne, water retention, oily skin, male pattern baldness, and increased body hair growth. However, there is a way you can bridge here - start the test C and run your 50-100mgs of anadrol for 4 weeks. Dato che è uno steroide C-17 alfa-alchilato l'Anadrol ® è molto tossico per il fegato ed il suo utilizzo è stato più volte correlato alla comparsa di cancro epatico Get ur blood test done, but a trt dose shouldn’t give you gyno…. Goals of your cycle. This provides a useful archive for new users, and for experienced users researching a new compound. I really think that tren e puts on quality muscle, maybe test, promo, npp, and tren e. Gains were epic but Tren A kicked my ass at 350 back then…. Well for pure strength anadrol is really dianabol on steroid like everyone says. To put it simply: Long term goal (typical 12-20 week cycle) = injectables Short term goal (mini cut, competing, bust through a plateau) = add an oral. Yes taurine helps, so does other salts/electrolytes so stock up some bananas, iodized salt, coconut water, taurine pills or buy some seafood, watermelon at home and eat throughout the week and pre and post. Once for pre-workout aggression, twice for anabolism. These threads are extremely useful as an archive YK-11 and Anadrol stack. 5ft 10in. A causa della sua elevata attività androgena, l'uso di Ossimetolone si associa frequentemente a comparsa di acne, pelle grassa, calvizie ed aumento consistente della peluria. Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. Moonface and acne doesn't tend to look great. Stop playing around with dosages, stop adding things. Maximizing Gains: Dianabol and Anadrol Cycles Explained ADMIN MOD. Training details. These threads are extremely useful as an archive for new users, and for experienced users researching a new compound. The DHT family of steroids are almost all the slowest to bring about suppression. Anadrol results : r/bodybuilding. To reduce angiotensin 2 and aldosterone levels you need to utilise an ARB or ACE inhibitor. •• Edited. Except if he had a predisposition to acne, that would probably cover his face too. This week we are sharing our experiences with TRT or Cruise level doses of test stacked with orals! Aspects of your experience to include in your comment: Doses, compounds, ancillaries, length of time. Week 7 - Dbol 25, Rad 7. Did 200mg test e + 200mg deca per week and 25 mg anavar daily this spring. First of all a reminder - Anadrol’s indication in anemia caused by deficient RBC production: The recommended daily dose of oxymetholone is 1 to 5 mg/kg body weight per day in children and adults with anemias caused by deficient red cell production. Both drugs are c17 alpha alkylated, therefore liver protection will be necessary, especially when combining the two. I use coconut oil. Harm reduction focused discussions related to safe usage of AAS, TRT or Open menu Open navigation Go to Reddit Home I definitely prefer Anadrol over Dbol. For example, 25-50mg of anadrol and 20-30mg of Anavar (based on need and tolerance obviously). Vote. Mood changes are a common complaint with Anadrol. Anadrol-50 is available in generic form. Each ester you have used and if your experience varied (if applicable) This week’s Compound/PED is: Bulking Cycles/Stacks. although anadrol and superdrol are more potent and kidney toxic. This is how you should take 100mg anadrol: Inject around 200mg test enantate or cypionate twice weekly, total about 400mg per week. For 6 days nothing has happened, why? My experience was just an experiment. It's a Great preworkout and taking it before bed isn't exactly the same as melatonin. D-bol seems to be the worst for me out of everything. 2. Id also consider ramping your dose up over time as the cycle progresses. For me orals are really just a “fun” thing. Hello friends, So I've been on 50mg drol for two weeks, almost 0 sides except for my left breast is having some Gyno develope. Rápido incremento del peso corporal. Had previously ran acutane and still literally became a walking crater. It is however the stronger steroid. I'll run this along side test + dutastetide. Our comprehensive articles cover everything from bulking and cutting cycles to post-cycle therapy and side effects. [deleted] ADMIN MOD. Started the cycle at 192lbs. This is all anecdotal, of course, and you Any hormonal changes cause acne. benchpressyourfeels. I am on 500 mg test cyp/week and I was doing 100 mgs of anadrol a day and I did it for a little more than 5 weeks. Learn about the benefits and risks of steroids, how to use them safely. Until this step is completed you're wasting your time taking 25mg anadrol as pre-workout. 50mg/day ( with 250mg test): massive strength, weight and muscle. Depends a lot on the person as well ofc. Then if you want to add more use mast or primo. You can hear them thinking - "That guy is only bigger/stronger/better than me because he does steroids!" Anadrol is the drug of choice for delts and traps so full they wonder what the fuck is wrong with you. r/bodybuilding. • 5 yr. This is 300mg for me. I wouldn't run the bridge with rad140 I only used anadrol once and I used it at 50mg for last 4 weeks of my first test cycle. You can run mast or primo pretty high without sides as long as you keep an eye on e2. I got acne really bad back in the day when running Hemo's, but the last time I ran BD's I didn't have any problems at all. This should theoretically be rather hair safe. Don't overcomplicate it by timing it to your workout, definitely do not do only on workout days. This Multiple Anadrol cycles in, max 50mg/day with good results, does kill appetite and the first week noticeable increase in power and aggression at the gym. Push test as high as you can without the use of ai. anadrol is mostly strength the size from anadrol also comes with alot of water retention and goes when you stop taking. You need a test base, no exceptions. ) Week 1-16 Test E 500 Week 6-16 Tren E 200 Week 1-6 Anadrol 50. Think 750mg/wk or more. One of the common side effects is back pumps. For those unaware, each week we have a specific steroid or PED up for discussion. Prior cycles include: test/anavar, primo/tbol, ment/eq/dbol. 3. This week we are discussing Primo aka Methenolone. The goal is to document experiences for others to refer to for years to come as we grow Seconded. I’ve paid no attention to proper gaps in between cycling and have had zero side effects, no suppression, no hair loss, no acne (and I have on and off adult acne), no moods other than feeling absolutely amazing. Reply reply More replies. both tablets in the morning every day. Don't know if it's NPP or just a coincidence but wondering if anyone else experiences fatigue on nandrolone. Its mostly due to the water retention. Standard dosing of anadrol for women with muscle wasting diseases starts at 1mg/kg/day (50mg/day for a tiny 50kg/110lb woman,) and tops out at 3mg/kg/day (150mg/day for the same woman. Haven't run for longer than 4 weeks at a time. Edit: some people like to mix them to get the best of both. he erupted in acne. Anavar is a better beginner one once you have your test cycles down as it’s more mild. 1. I can't do A-bombs because it makes my back look like a literal A bomb was dropped on it. Take off week 5 and 6 and then start rad140 at 10-15mgs a day. I don’t rely on them to put on any serious mass and I stop when I start feeling shitty. I have been on HRT 7mg of test cyp for 6 weeks. 4 weeks in and I have separated traps and capped delts. Gained about 10 lbs of water weight/nitrogen retention and looked very full. Anadrol can be taken as a pill or shot, giving you options. Compounds. I remember reading a study where they administered anadrol for a long time period and the subjects saw liver toxicity at 150mg and saw that anadrol was tolerable up to 100mg. Accutane is so miserable, I don’t want to go through it again. Don't bother with it unless you have a strength type event coming up. Let me tell ya, 50mg ED is plenty with this drug. Key thing though pharma anadrol. This week the compound is Oxymethalone aka Drol, Adrol and Anadrol. Your ultimate guide to anabolic steroids. Dbol will aromatize too though. Week 8 - Dbol 25, Rad 7. MENT is ten times more myotropic than Testosterone and twelve times more suppressive than Testosterone. Also try taking it for 3 weeks @50mg per day. Before bed, prepare and drink a cup of chamomile tea (I use Bigelow Sweet Dreams tea). This can only be reduced via lowering aldosterone and estrogen levels. Some believe that anadrol gyno is progestin-related because of it increasing 17alpha-hydroxyprogesterone - but this is actually because anadrol impairs progesterone synthesis leading to more precursor build up. g. [Compound Experience Thread] Primo. 5mg MENT is more than ten times a TRT dose. Week 6 - Dbol 50, Rad 7. This week we are discussing HIGH TEST CYCLES. Nothing wrong with a basic test and anavar cycle or my personal favourite test and Turinabol. my clinic asked me if i was interested but i stillnprefer anavar. No deca dick at all on these dosages. Call your doctor for medical advice about side effects. Aug 5, 2020 路 Common side effects of Anadrol-50 include: diarrhea, excitation, restlessness, trouble sleeping (insomnia), or. This week we are discussing Methandrostenolone, better known as Dianabol or Dbol. 2g NAC + 2g vitamin C for liver support. I got a shit ton of anavar and planned to use it to finish off my cycle. While still not ideal, I do agree that oral only cycles are better than sarms only cycles. Usually on 200 mg test e cruise so deca + anavar was a small "blast". Tell your doctor if you notice increased acne, changes in menstrual periods, a hoarse or deepened Anadrol is the drug of choice if you want to create the jealous thoughts in the mind of every natty around you. Yes. 52. Benefits/gains you experienced. nausea, vomiting, diarrhea. Anadrol results. 2/1 test to deca ratio and you'll feel great. 10mg daily cialis. Fuertes dolores de cabeza y de estómago. A steroid novice experimenting with this agent is likely to gain 20 to 30 pounds of massive bulk, and it can often be accomplished within 6 weeks of use. Possible alternatives: anadrol is so powerful, and quite unique, that alternatives are difficult. This will be enough for most people to reach their physique goals. It’s a beautiful day to discuss one of the premiere strength steroids, Anadrol! Every Thursday we have a specific steroid or PED up for discussion. Dose: 100 mg daily as split dose for 6 weeks. Acné severo en el rostro y en la espalda. Anadrol is known for its mysterious gyno there are some theories around but none is really sure how it’s happening at 50 a day it should be good just check daily if u feel a lump forming or anything around nipple. 5mg adex eod if i recall. So we come to the premise of this article, Anadrol vs. Anadrol Experience. Yeah I was gonna say. Yes they’re both DHT’s but they bring about very different effects and function in different ways. I have 3 comps this year and my pressing strength is behind, so I need to push pretty hard right now. Each ester you have used and if your experience varied (if applicable) This week’s Compound/PED is: Adrol. How concerned should I be about sides like gyno and acne. He came off the anadrol and lowered the test to 500mg/week and after another month was still up 11 pounds. For those unaware, each Sunday we have a specific steroid or PED up for discussion. Feb 6, 2024 路 Typical Benefits of Anadrol (Oxymetholone) There are many benefits associated with taking Anadrol. new or worsening acne. And if you're trying to cut and put on quality muscle, yes, anavar does just that. Or just eat and ignore the appetite suppression. [Compound Experience Thread] Anadrol, Oxymethalone, Drol, Adrol. It's a stronger cycle but you'll get a ton of Apr 11, 2016 路 Both products will have similar androgenic side effects, which include; acne, water retention, oily skin, male pattern baldness, and increased body hair growth. Anadrol might make you hold water, feel bloated, or give guys larger breasts. Running 500 test E and 300 deca split to 2 pins a week. The goal of these threads is to gather a wide variety of user experiences and feedback. Study of 24 weeks of 50mg Anadrol 2x daily shows a milder than expected Test and LH suppression. Choosing between Dianabol and Anadrol depends on your goals and what side effects you can handle. breast swelling in men. This is on 400mg Test C, and 400mg Deca. I had severe acne after 750mg test/50mg adrol. You may need Tudca depending on who you are tho as medicine effects different dna strains differently. Testosterone, Serum Testosterone, Serum 5460 HIGH 348-1197 ng/dL 01. [Compounds] 馃弸馃徎‍鈾傦笍 Anadrol (Oxymetholone) 12/7/2023. Some stats about me: 20 years old in college. My AST/ALT values stayed in range the whole time and I ran accutane+anadrol together. Deca 500mg weekly. I was giving Anadrol 50s to kick off my cycle. According to Llewellyn: Oxymetholone (Anadrol) is considered by many to be the most powerful steroid commercially available. You will experience a Fast Strength Increase. So decided I would post my results using anadrol. I am currently taking Anadrol in the middle of my first test cycle at 50mg ED. This is not a complete list of side effects and others may occur. the others were not noticeable Most Virilizing - Winstrol, Test P, Dbol (not long enough to see the effects though), Primo, Anadrol/Anavar -- That was basically her summary, just formatted it and re-worded a few things. ) Week 1-16 Test 200 Week 6-16 Tren 350-400 Week 1-6 Anadrol 50. Liver values are surprisingly decent. Spironolactone helps a ton and isn’t anywhere near as serious a medication. The use of Partial agonists along side Full Anecdotal experience here but for some reason the Anadrol I have gives me anhedonia, basically blunted emotions. Anadrol. Thanks in advance. Quick little 12 week cycle, from people in here’s experience with anadrol was/is there a preferred red time to include it? For example, start of cycle/mid way through cycle/end of cycle? I’m only doing anadrol for the recommended 6 weeks. You can take smaller doses of both. Jan 21, 2018 路 Los efectos secundarios de Anadrol incluyen: Ginecomastia. The fact that we mainly use Anadrol for only a few weeks also keeps overall cycle costs down: Standard 50mg pharmaceutical-grade Anadrol tablets can cost as much as $2. A lot of people think adrol is really harsh though and do not like it. Anadrol and gyno - and anadrol and tren. Compounds used: 700mg ramped to 1g npp solo, no test. •. Possibly combing with 40mg of dbol as well but not sure yet. Side effects you experienced, physically or mentally (good or bad) Details of the cycle you included the drug in. Best for Mental Wellbeing - TestP and Dbol, then Anavar, Winstrol, Primo/Anadrol Best for Libido - TestP, Anavar/Winny. Questions: Is 6 weeks enough time to have assessed potential sides on the cyp? Compounds. I never took anything to come off of it and never noticed anything. 5, Anadrol 25, Test 500. This week we are discussing Oxymethalone aka Drol Stop fluctuating your hormones. I’m doing a test, tren & anadrol cycle. Inject more frequently. Kinda weird, but yeah I think if you're predisposed to having acne problems than Anadrol will hit ya pretty hard. Hinchazón. The pump is also unreal. anadrol and anavar are way less of a commitment than tren, you can cycle those, once you go on tren peds are lifelong commitments, there’s superdrol and anadrol and i personally think superdrol is better because of it’s better strength gain effects plus it’s hair safe. [Compounds] High Testosterone Cycles. It can also cause acne, oily skin, and hair loss. Anadrol is toxic AF and kills many peoples appetite. Was taking . See how you respond to compounds. matteusclement. This week we are discussing Anadrol (Oxymetholone) . Good morning 鈽曪笍. ago. Well my source knows me well and how many people I have referred to him, so he threw in 30 capsules of 25mg anadrol. Cycle Report: Tren and Anadrol. Week 5 - Dbol 50,Rad 7. I have been on a cycle for 4 weeks where I gained 4 kg in the first few days. Dbol will come with lots of water. 25mg in the morning and 25mg in the evening. Currently at 220lbs with 2 days left in the cycle. I’ve done about 5 cycles in a year and a half. I have been using it for 4 weeks and I have two more weeks to go. 245K subscribers in the steroids community. Dianabol. This will help you hold onto some of the anadrol gains (but none of the water weight). Now obviously this wasn't muscle, but his strength exploded. This is close to a mirror of a cycle I did years back. Then post someone who is very likely to be natty, who looks like this. Deca and anadrol. Anadrol and Gyno. I can recruit way more muscle fibers for pure efforts. [4] Dianabol mostly comes in pills. For aesthetics there's far better stuff out there. Problemas para orinar. Background: I'm a strength athlete, been lifting for 12ish years and was natural for the first 10. They include: • An average gain of 20-30 pounds of lean muscle mass in 4-6 weeks of use. Women taking Anadrol-50 may develop male characteristics, which could be irreversible if treatment is continued. Weeks 1-5 Adrol 50-75mg daily, Weeks 12-16 Var 30-40mg daily. However, dbol and SuperDrol are possible alternatives. Side effects (positive or negative) you experienced, physically or mentally. Anadrol fucks a lot of people's skin up. So I ran 20mg EOD for 7 months. I couldn't figure out at first what caused it because I remember running 25mg Anadrol years ago with 500mg of Test and felt great, recently tried 50mg from another brand and felt like shit even after only 1-2 doses, other then that the effects are the same. ADMIN MOD. 10% Benzoyl peroxide. ) Its not a gummy bear. Eat 100mg anadrol tablets any time you want with reasonable consistency, e. I’m 5’2” and didn’t start putting on weight until I had regular days around 2600 cal and “free” days on weekends at 3500ish cal. Cons: just a watery look, nothing else to speak of really. The goal of these threads is to generate discussion about the posted compound and get a wide variety of user experiences and feedback about it. Wanting to take it from week 2- 5. I’ve been on it for years for my stubborn hormonal acne that’s returned despite 2 rounds of Accutane since my teens. Reply Anadrol for Women. Saintsfan33. Derek is explaining how lower doses of a strong oral may cause very minimal hairloss in men (10-25mg). 17-OHP is too weak as a progestin to do much there, and if anything acts as a competitive Compounds. If low budget just water, salty food and bananas. Specific effects: increased vascularity, boulder shoulders big delta, huge pumps in the gym and even when walking. What Is Anadrol-50? Anadrol-50 (oxymetholone) is an anabolic steroid used to treat certain types of anemia (lack of red blood cells), including aplastic anemia, myelofibrosis, or hypoplastic anemia caused by chemotherapy. I’ve heard people saying that it seems that most people tend to think that anadrol is more toxic than it is because of the water retention and acne you get on it. Just because MENT can fill in for the functions of Test by no means indicates they're 1-to-1 mg for mg. He said that without a test base, that in 4 weeks it isn't long enough to shut you down (for most people), and that Yes nanadralone is also a great stack. Taking 600 mg test + 600 mg mast + 400 mg NPP per week. . Sep 9, 2015 路 2. Goals: bulking, increase strength, improve workouts via better pump. In an interview, Dr. You will likely need some kind of non-medicated moisturizer to go with this. Reply. • Anadrol works well when stacked with other bulking steroids like testosterone, deca, or Dianabol. Feb 2, 2023 路 Common side effects in both men and women may include: acne; male pattern baldness; breast swelling or tenderness (in men or women); feeling restless or excited; sleep problems ( insomnia ); or. In between cycles, I take a 5mg/week maintenance The bp issues and the acne are the bigger problems on why people don’t like it and why they think it is so toxic. The goal of these threads is to generate discussion about the posted compound and get a wide variety of user experiences and feedback To risk overgeneralisingyoull get more gains, or at least greater scale weight increases, with deca and adrol. This is all anecdotal, of course, and you should take these Nov 18, 2023 路 Oxymetholone is one of the more affordable steroids and certainly cheaper to use than a cycle of Anavar. So I guess it's up to you and the way your body reacts to them. Superdrol has side effects too. A-drol. I use a facewash in the morning and then lotion 2-3 times a day. I'd try each individual first though. Depresiones. To have this bad a case of acne suggests a sudden hormone boost - and the dude is way past puberty. [Compounds] Anadrol aka Oxymetholone. Telmisartan, Nebivol. An interesting experiment idea came to me during one of my psilocybin experiences. Eq 600mg weekly. Oxymetholone, sold under the brand names Anadrol and Anapolon among others, is an androgen and anabolic steroid (AAS) medication which is used primarily in the treatment of anemia. Always have a test base and don’t use orals until you have a few test cycles under your belt and know how to manage estrogen and sides. The average dose of Dbol is around 10-25mg, and Anadrol is 50mg per one pill. 5, Test 500. Took 25mg pre workout for lagging body parts only (so 1-2 times per week). I did 500mg of dianabol in 10-12 days and gained a lot (lot of water for sure) and strength, and also used anadrol 25 to 50mg both on consecutives days and as preworkout. I’ve run this before with almost no side effects other than puffy nipple for the last week on cycle. geardedandbearded. Supresión de la producción de testosterona natural. Mike Istaerel said that a 4 week cycle of anavar only in the 10-30mg range won't shut down your natural test production, I don't think he touched on suppression (i am assuming it obviously will suppress you). Slept 12 hrs then took an hr nap today. Side effects: increased blood pressure, debilitating pumps making cardio difficult. Go 4 weeks anadrol 50 to start out. No OTC products would touch it. I went and got bloods to see what was going on and this is my results. 50 or as little as half that amount. Whether you liked the compound or not and whether you’d use it again. Can anadrol cause gynecomastia if used at a dose no higher than 25-50 mg a day? If yes, how can I prevent gyno? Aromatase inhibitors won't help, because anadrol doesn't aromatize. I did some small research on anadrol, and have read all the horrific sides like almost unpreventable gyno, acne, water retention, BP spike, loss of appetite. It's not as harsh as tren a. [4] [5] It is also used to treat osteoporosis , HIV/AIDS wasting syndrome , and to promote weight gain [6] and muscle growth in certain situations. Deca also tends to be better tolerated for longer periods. If you’re tracking all your data, use the outputs it’s giving you. Id add npp/deca if you wanna bulk more. Other than a little bit of mild acne that has now subsided I seem to be tolerating and responding well, I feel great! I have 6 months left on this build and for my next cycle I wanted to bring in some anadrol (for mass). 19 votes, 66 comments. Neither. I personally get high bp and can’t get any quality sleep on it. Dosed once per day pre workout. Like Anadrol, it can cause acne and hair loss. Anadrol seems to jack up BP massively for a lot of users. I will be doing anadrol at 100mg daily for 4-5 weeks in the beginning. Oct 8, 2023 路 The way you use Anadrol will determine just how short term these side effects will be. TL;DR decreased or increased interest in sex, or. Overall experience: Great. Doses used: 25mg/day (no test base) for 2 weeks, retained strength, weight on a severe deficit. . This weeks compound is Turinabol aka Tbol . And, it might hurt your liver. Research backs up these anecdotal accounts by showing drol's effect on strength (3) (4). They include familiar steroid side effects such as testosterone suppression, liver toxicity, water retention, gynecomastia, headaches, increased blood pressure, and negative cholesterol changes. Dosage and duration 350 mg wk test prop 350 mg wk tren ace 350 wk mg mast prop and 50 mg anadrol daily Cycle lenght 8 weeks will stop anadrol week 6 Pins every day Cycle support: For the insomnia from tren 400 mg aswaghanda 5 mg melatonin and 400 mg valerian root extract For Cholesterol 3 g fish oil daily and citrus bergamot For Blood pressure and heartbeat i have on hand nebivolol and Do this as soon as you feel a “blind”, deep zit forming under the skin (even if you can’t see it or it doesn’t hurt yet). All for 16-20 weeks. Length of cycle: 7 weeks. There are a few, namely dudes before the 1950s like Sandow. Literally sitting on your ass and gaining lean mass; Dianabol is much cheaper than Anadrol. If you don’t put on weight at 2750, then up to 2900. Rough night sweats and also aggression which is very abnormal for me. This ensures a safe and effective plan. Then I took a 3. Mar 9, 2021 路 Here are some minor arguments for each of the rivals: According to this study, Anadrol can give you up to 9 lbs without even working out. Results weren’t instantaneous but my skin is completely clear now, even on blast. Anadrol causes an insanely fast boost in strength, with some Anadrol reviews reporting up to 40-pound increases in compound lifts in just 30 days. If people could speak up about their experience with injectable version and possibly compare oral vs injectable, that would be great information to share! For those unaware, each week we have a specific steroid or PED up for discussion. So I had always thought anadrol would make me hold a shit ton of water weight and some fat. And it’s not as though you need to take large doses of both. In one month, he went up 42 pounds. Figure out if you respond well just taking it as a pre-workout by actually trying it. I have put on a lot of quality mass. Anadrol has dozens of studies backing it up as a safe compound for women to take, with liver toxicity being a greater concern than virilization. For me, all the water weight is retained intramuscularly which actually improves my definition, allowing me to use Anadrol on a cut to help retain strength and fullness without sacrificing definitionwhereas Dbol tends to retain some of the water outside the muscles, hindering definition and making me look smooth and puffy. Some of the milder DHT orals (Anavar, Winstrol, primobolan) can be used for 4-6 weeks before suppression becomes a concern. For those unaware, each week however often we have a specific steroid or PED up for discussion. Spironolactone is great for hormonal acne and very safe for long term use. The usual effective dose is 1 to 2 mg/kg per day *, but higher doses may be required, and the This week we are discussing Methandrostenolone, better known as Dianabol or Dbol. Considering YK-11 is a partial agonist of the androgen receptor, and has gene selective mechanism in inducing very selective activity, such as follistatin release (myostatin inhibition). If I did 25mg twice a day I would get lower back pumps all day which sucked. zr dq un oe sz qk lo rq gl ex