Criminal minds fanfiction reid high school au

GEN. There was a ton of dust in the air due to the spring cleaning that Reid had just completed in the room that had been doubling as a supply closet for all of the department's archaic items like file cabinets filled with old carbon copies of files, obsolete research tomes, and a microfiche reader. Rated: Fiction T - English - Hurt/Comfort/Family - S. Rossi finds himself being very protective of a young man he rescued, a young man called Spencer Reid. As usual, Morgan used his smooth, flirtatious voice when talking to the one woman who could find his entire life on the internet and data-banks. "Put the books back. ) Summary: Before they were all a team, they were just trying to fit in and survive high school. Chapter 1. Mercy's also a genius with an IQ of 197. Rated: Fiction T - English - Angst - D. Unable to deal with his mother's mental illness, bullies, and the abandonment from his father, he tries to kill himself. His newest family have no idea what kind of life Spencer Reid has led, but one thing is for sure; it wasn't a happy one. /JJ - Chapters: 2 - Words: 3,566 - Reviews: 8 - Favs: 15 - Follows: 24 - Updated: 10/13/2015 - Published: 10/9/2015 - id: 11549522 After a while he dropped out and snagged a bottle of water from the stack next to the door. After her mother dies, Spencer has to take her in. It was a bar with tables scattered around and a jukebox mostly loaded with show tunes. Emily Prentiss left the BAU 10 years ago for personal reasons, the personal reason left her with a daughter. She was only 15 years old, skipping two grades ahead of her peers. "Love at first sight is romantic nonsense," Diana Reid said. ONE SHOT! Feb 15, 2010 · The team meets some people from Reid’s high school the genius would have rather never seen again. Pre-established Finn/Rachel and Kurt/Blaine. "JJ's head had snapped up at the nickname, and her eyes were trained questioningly on Emily. Tag to Bully. Spencer sneezed as he placed hard copied files down onto the conference table. net. Mama Rossi was positively giddy that her grand-baby was graduating form high school. While one case has finished, another begins when Spencer's abductor wants him back and will do anything to get him back. A guttural whimper rose up from somewhere deep inside him, and suddenly all Reid wanted was to run, to get away from here as far as possible. Can he prove himself worthy of being part of the team and can Emily Prentiss admit to herself what he could mean I Knew You'd Understand. " "I'll go if you tell me why you're afraid of the woods," he countered. I left with my dad, soon after. Goth/Edgy!Spencer AU. Derek had passed both the kid and Nolan a couple of times and asked if the needed any pointers. Emily scowled and flipped her the bird behind her back. After he is released from the hospital, he is sent to live with his father. High School AU: Spencer Reid reluctantly starts at Bailey Adams Underwood High because his adopted dad insists he gives high school one last try. Reid pulled back, tucking his long hair behind his ear. She lived, breathed and obeyed her schedule. I am sitting at my desk in Quantico doing up the report of yesterdays case about the five boys who were hung and Colonel Ron Massey, head of the academy for thirty years, was found guilty to abusing the boys who stayed at Somerville Academy, a military boys' school. He was used to her having episodes, and having to calm her down. At the age of thirteen he started collage, thankfully, (he had had bad experiences in high school being a But Spencer Reid was a professional, he could handle a small dose of Dilaudid on the flight back from a solved case – right? Warnings for drug use. Mark of the Beast by matociquala: VIGNETTE/SHORT. - The Wounded - Chapter 1 Kid fics, young fics, whump, abuse, drugs, Reid Centric. (Disclaimer: I do not own Criminal Minds or it's characters. "it exists only in cheap novels, trashy daytime television, and teenage girls' diaries. Tag to s1e6 - after Hotch has to beat up Reid in order to survive being held hostage by the LDSK, Reid claims that he's fine and dismisses Hotch with a smile. At least, the ones in books don't. R/M. Reid got that, you could leave with her now," the officer said. The Pie Maker couldn't seem to do much more than try to memorize Reid as he was now; curious, beautiful, and breathing. He noticed the different friend groups hovering by different lockers. Please read and review. Can they survive high school and protect each other while keeping a smile on their faces? Elephant's Memory. Jun 14, 2012 · The instant Spencer saw the pictures inside, a bad feeling built in his stomach. But he feels that he doesn't know how to look after Jack as well as Hotch. Most girls he knows don't like ruffled skirts. When he sat up and placed a file folder on the desk, Aaron braced himself. All the people in the pictures were couples. Meet Cute By: Ihopeitsbenign. Nov 7, 2016 · In an AU where the team all went to the same high school, they are all held hostage by a disturbed classmate. The walk back to the room was silent, Spencer could feel Derek's eyes burning holes into his scull and the lingering smell of A fanfic of Criminal Minds about Spencer Reid's goddaughter. Expect at least 2 more fanfics based around this story: an AU and some ideas that I couldn't place in due to length and structure. Spencer Reid was 12 years old. School Daze by matociquala: CASEFIC. Or they pick on him. While talking down an Unsub, Spencer Reid gets injected with something that turns him into a 5 year old. , and Spencer adjusting to having a teenage daughter. Reid] - Chapters: 8 - Words: 9,403 - Reviews: 32 - Favs: 39 - Follows: 49 - Updated: 7/27/2014 - Published: 1/27/2014 AU Tired of his life living with his father, 17-year-old Spencer Reid ran away from home. AU. So JJ and Prentiss knock on Reid's door with a plan and somehow were able to convince Rossi and Hoth to join. Morgan and Elle put together their evidence and soon discovered the truth about Reid. " Fran frowned, "I'm serious, Derek. This is that first story, never posted before and now officially abandoned at 10K words. It hit just a little too close to home to see the gay men slaughtered in those photos. Spencer Reid wears many hats. Please read & review! Garcia rolled her eyes. Founder: orphanaccount0000 - Stories: 10 - Followers: 5 - id: 98231. There had been three weeks between the semester ending and Reid starting work as a consultant for the FBI and during those three weeks he had done nothing but to second guess his decision. Rossi came out of his office and stood by Reid's chair. Morgan frowned. Feb 18, 2015 · Reid's 20th High-school reunion is coming up. During an unusual case the team is thrown for a loop when Emily and Reid are injected with something that leaves them appearing as little children. "Leaving home in a sense involves a kind of second birth in which we give birth to ourselves". It's hard to find a good story with Hotch and Reid, but I have persevered and this is the result! Features everything from innocent fluff to graphic slash (at least I hope I have some of that). He was bullied, actually, tormented. Aaron sat down in the chair next to the teacher's desk as he watched the man push up his black glasses while searching for something in a file cabinet next to his desk. A home for all the Criminal Minds femslash fanfiction. I OWN NOTHING! Spencer Reid's life was never easy between his mom, Diana, having Paranoid Schizophrenia, his brother abusing him in every sense of the word, and his dad leaving after his brother went to center for the worst criminally insane people. "The death of a mother is the first sorrow wept without her". This was her sixth high school in the last four years, and honestly, the first day never stopped being nerve-wracking. The officer had opened the door and looked to her for reassurance of the man's identity. We are devoted fangirls of the Hotch/Reid world. After twelve year old high school senior Spencer Reid is rescued from a trio of bullies by soccer-playing fifteen year old freshman Jennifer Jareau, he doesn't quite understand when she asks him to come to her house after school and help her with "chemistry. 9/17/2010 - S. Dave and Spencer had both pleaded with her but she had stood her ground. " Rossi informed them. "You're dating Spencer? Finally!" The blond cheerleader exclaimed, hugging her friend. The local cop they worked with – Sheriff Hall Unknown Subject. Will he find salvation with the help of the BAU? Chapter 3. Alora slept little that night and at 2:00AM when a knock sounded at the door she was up quickly. * I do not own Criminal Minds or its characters. 'David Rossi in my office! Somebody pinch me. Nov 13, 2012 · As soon as Reid heard Dowd's question, he rolled on his back – Hotch's back-up gun in his hands at the ready – and aimed at their captor's head. Reid felt himself beginning to hope. Though in the back of her mind she knew this would forever change things. - a Jencer multi-chapter fic Rated: Fiction T - English - Hurt/Comfort/Romance - [Jennifer J. A Meet cute is a scenario in which two individuals are brought together in some unlikely, zany, destined to fall in love and be together forever sort of way. Spencer Reid of the FBI, BAU wakes up with a start when he gets a text from his The Many Hats Of Spencer Reid By: sgs09. Can his discovery of love help him to find his . ) From One Leaky Roof To Another. Anxiety constantly burned in his stomach and he spent most days crunching his way through more antacids than was healthy. The BAU must find them before the Glee Club gets destroyed. Rated: Fiction T - English - Humor/Friendship Oct 16, 2005 · Author's note: Hey everybody! First fanfic is up and ready to go! A few things: 1. Focus: TV Shows Criminal Minds, Since: 02-06-12. Reid - Words: 2,659 - Reviews: 14 - Favs: 200 - Follows: 70 BAU College Fics. AU: Spencer Reid joins the BAU when he's 19. Gay male couples. Criminal Minds Fanfiction Rec List. Focus: TV Shows Criminal Minds, Since: 10-12-08. With an abusive father holding him back, he's stuck in high school where he suffers even more. "My senior year of high school I came home to find my mom burning a bonfire in the back yard. It was almost like JJ was responding to her own name being called, like JJ was used to Emily calling her 'Baby'. " It's Reid's 20th High School Reunion! But what happens when an unsub with something against the 'populars' and FBI stumbles upon the perfect class to take his revenge on. I know the title sucks. The Talk By: maxandkiz. Spencer Reid is fifteen and wants much more for his life. 3. Everyone is around the age they are in the show. Spoilers for episode 9X11. lol. While working on a case at Reid's old school Garcia stumbles upon some old video footage of Reid being severly bullied and humilated. Thank you for staying to keep an eye on me," Alora said. Reid was eventually knocked to the ground. It's dark in there – far enough from the small town they tracked the unsub to that the screams wouldn't be heard, and he has seen five other crime scenes left by this one to know that there would be screams. A Tormented Past By: omalleyanatomy26. Three weeks later, David was awaken by the sounds of Carolyn's hysteric crying and pleads for him to call 9-1-1. They've all got a story and a secret to hide. I choose this because although its not seen as fierce like a dog can be or a large cat or some birds, it's still a predator perfectly adapted to its environment very Oct 13, 2015 · As Emily moved to her new high school, she meets one blond haired girl. The ones he goes to school with coo at him, thinking that he's cute because he's so much younger than them. Trying to keep the "whatever" attitude while fangirling on the inside is rough but awesome. Hotchner/Hotch, S. "Go tell Clara to call Quantico and tell them we're inviting the BAU in. Rossi rose his eyebrow at the action, but tried to hide his interest. His mother had some type of mental illness. She'd lived down the street from him when he was in high school, and where his fellow students made fun of him for being too young for high school, she made fun of him for being too old for elementary school. JJ always seemed to appear and wrangle Emily under control. Some things surprise him, but it's all good. No friends, no expectations. 2. " OR an AU in which JJ and Emily are in a TV Shows Criminal Minds. He expected it to be difficult to survive on his own, but he did not expect to get involved in a BAU investigation. The man grabbed a yard stick and started abusing Reid even more. "We have first hour Geometry with Penelope," JJ told Emily. Rated: Fiction T - English - S. Again COMPLETE COMPLETE AU. Many Mother/Daughter and Father/Daughter moments. It had been a heck of a case. Warnings: AU (Reid is 17, but the BAU-team are the same) AN: This is my first fic for Criminal Minds so I don't really know what to expect. I'm open to honest feedback. That was by far the worse. He had one destination: the Field House. Spencer wanted to go home, but JJ dragged him out because he needed something to take his mind off Elle. Fics based on the team if they went to high school together, all pairings, all locations just the team a few years younger. What secrets does this girl have that will change Emily's outlook in life? Rated: Fiction T - English - Drama/Romance - E. Follow . I have started to write the second chapter, but if this chapter sucks, just tell me. How will young Reid take the pressures and dangers of being in the FBI. Jul 2, 2012 · Tonight We Are Young By: celaenos. He's definitely not expecting to fall in love. Starts from the first meeting. Papa? By: 06shart. After getting in on a scholarship, he meets people with secrets as dark as his own, people who will become the closest friends he's ever had. He is the baby of the BAU team. AU FIC. Criminal Minds - Rated: T - English - Crime - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,776 - Reviews: 70 - Favs: 709 - Follows: 184 - Published: 1/21/2013 - A. School Reunion. The coffee-addict. He immediately bonds with one of the team and doesn't let go easily. Spencer Reid was 8 years old in his first year of high school and graduated high school when he was 12. Spencer Reid is 16. A/n the series of short one-shots begins before the first season of CM. He'd been watching the kid intermittently the whole time and he could see why Danny was concerned. Slightly AU. "Fisher!" He barked at the silent officer, making him jump. With his genius, Dr. Reid, D. Staring down at the pictures scattered on his desk of lifeless women he sucked in a breath, knowing what he needed to do. The boy is found during the takedown of the unsub, locked in a closet. Jun 28, 2019 · Spencer sits on the couch next to her, careful to avoid ruffling her skirts. Reid - Words: 1,158 - Reviews: 15 - Favs: 28 - Follows: 15 - Published: 3/22/2014 - Status: Complete - id: 10208042 Underestimation. She hated this part. , William R. , S. By year 5, he'd been engrossed in his first doctoral thesis. High School Reunion By: Noitamina. We were taking a plane from Chicago, Illinois to Quantico, Virginia. Chapter Three. " Dec 25, 2019 · Last I checked you couldn't read minds. Mercedes Lynn Reid By: Cyprin Lightwood-Bane. normal senior in high school who loves the show Criminal Minds and his heroes show up at his school. Morgan and Reid meet for the very first time when Reid is the victim of a crime. She gets stabbed nearly to death by the Boston Reaper while attending Harvard, causing her to meet and eventually fall in love with Hotch. Reid - Words: 2,484 - Reviews: 56 - Favs: 646 - Follows: 156 Beginning Of The End By: oh-ohmy-oohhkay. Five women had died, but in the end, they had caught the one responsible. Reid - Chapters: 5 - Words: 6,977 - Reviews: 15 - Favs: 27 - Follows: 45 - Updated: 11/5/2017 - Published: 10/26/2015 - id: 11579879 The Talk, a criminal minds fanfic | FanFiction. Macie's mind was like a computer. The first day of school. Reid, Tobias H. Finding Out By: woof999. We stayed at a hotel, entail tomorrow. When he makes friends with his neighbour, nothing can prepare him for the life changes he experiences. Disclaimer: I don't own anything. The failed proficiency test and all of his self-doubts forgotten, he carried out the instructions Hotch had taught him only two days before and just repeated – front sight, trigger press, follow Chapter 1. Reid - Chapters: 5 - Words: 6,977 - Reviews: 15 - Favs: 27 - Follows: 45 - Updated: 11/5/2017 - Published: 10/26/2015 - id: 11579879 A New Friend by QweenGwen reviews. I have never written a complete AU story like this but I wanted to give it a try-I hope it doesn't suck. He's been killing them by hacking them to pieces with When Rossi finally slowed to a stop Reid found himself hovering outside the lead agent's office as she finished up a phone call. Spoilers for episode 05X21 May 12, 2016 · Principal Strauss greeted her tersely. Dick opens his mouth to reply, and is interrupted by the presence of one Bruce Wayne, looking dark and broody and like he's in one hell of a mood. AU Fiction; A childhood incident alters Spencer Reid's life, however his path still crosses with the BAU and one agent in particular. Everything about everyone's background is still the same. Doctor Spencer Reid had never given any serious thought to attending his high-school reunions. He never thought so many people would ever worry about him. Everybody has that one victim they save, the one they can't let go of. The first thing Reid notices is that there is blood everywhere. "You've missed a bit. After Morgan refuses to share a room with Reid in Alaska, the others decide to cheer the genius up and play a little prank on Morgan. Five Years, Three Months, and Fourteen Days by Emobunnyme reviews. A small smile flickered across his face as he headed over to the dull, grey school lockers. Sep 9, 2019 · Batman + Criminal Minds Crossover. Rossi said as he shook her hand. In celebration, the local cops took the BAU out for a few drinks. Characters include (but are not limited to): DM, SR, AH, EP, PG, DR, ES. It probably wasn't going to be good news. Language: English Words: 8,505 Just a few entries out of Spencer Reid's High School journal. Chapter 7 Cousin Jake. Join the Hotchners, LaMontagnes, Morgans, plus Garcia and Reid as they take on parenthood. Jan 24, 2024 · Aftermath By: Thiswouldbeakick. This is a collection of JJ's stories or JJ's centric stories. That's if they pay attention to him at all. A. “ Somehow, the image of Aaron Hotchner in Spandex also comes complete with an ironed white shirt and a tie. Bureau Boarding School By: StoryTimez. Darkly humoured fun as the BAU goes undercover to catch a school shooter. Xxx. Enraged Hotch is determined to get Reid the justice he never got while in shcool. The next morning Fran drove Spencer and Derek to the airport. Suddenly, Hotchner began throwing his large books at him. Reid's high school reunion is coming up. The hallways were crowded with sweaty teens, no surprise there. Suffer no more By: gothina234. Rated T just in case, mentions of past child abuse. Morgan, E. We will be working to compile the best H/R Fanfiction stories on FanFiction. He spent his high school years in and out of the nurse's office and at least twice a year the hospital. I thought about giving Reid a mythical creature as a daemon or having his daemon unsettled but I decided on a snake. Criminal Minds - Rated: K - English - Chapters: 30 - Words: 22,418 - Reviews: 429 - Favs: 297 - Follows: 282 - Updated: May 29, 2011 - Published: Jul 12, 2010. The team was all out together in a small town in Nevada. Founder: Aewnaur - Stories: 448 - Followers: 195 - Staff: 3 - id: 63051. " JJ laughed. Friendship and awkward fun for the BAU family. JJ had stopped in her tracks, and irritation in her stare almost made him say, "I'm sorry," but Soon enough the loud cries of newborn filled the room, and David had never felt a stronger urge cry until his son- James- was placed in his arms. /JJ, S. Likely, all of Aaron's shortcomings as a parent Date: Monday, 8/17/2015. "Her name is Maggie Robertson, she's joining the team. She was burning all the porcelain dolls she had from when she was a little girl and she had thrown my horse on the fire too. Sophia's father died in the line of duty, like Morgan's, her mother was Aug 18, 2007 · sufriday is a fanfiction author that has written 3 stories for High School Musical, and Criminal Minds. We got my stuff and booked a flight for Virginia tomorrow. Hotch/OC. 'His feet involuntarily took Reid backwards, stumbling away from the sight of the dead man still on the floor in front of him, until his back hit the wall. The case had ended with them catching a kidnapper before he could kill his victims; three women. Prentiss, Jennifer J. Rated: Fiction K - English - Friendship - S. Criminal Minds - Rated: T - English - Crime/Drama - Chapters: 2 - Words: 1,440 - Reviews: 8 - Favs: 8 - Follows: 12 - Updated: 12/25/2018 - Published: 12/17/2018 Derek got the hint and stood up, drying himself off with a towel before following Spencer to his hotel room. " "I know that, Reid, Because I know for a fact that if anyone of us had your life, child prodigy in a las Vegas high school that had an absentee father and a mentally ill mom, paired with and eidetic memory and bullies, as well as everything I know of that's happened to you while working for the FBI and What was it like back in high school for our favorite BAU team? Not following the story line of the tv show for obvious reasons. Put simply, he sucked. Because even though they deny it, YOU know it's there Chief James Marco spat out, before taking a deep breath and calming down slightly. As Morgan expected, Reid excused himself early and walked down the street to the used book store at the corner. He's not expecting to make friends. The Consultant By: 2amWritersClub. The socially awkward young man. Please read & review! ONE. He had been taking care of his sick mother since he was 10. Model!Reid AU, Lila is his BFF, pairing was to be Rossi/Reid but When she tells him she is pregnant they have to find a way to make things work even though they're both still in High school. Alex Blake (Criminal Minds) Erin Strauss; Max Ryan; Adrian Bale; Haley Hotchner; Alternate Universe; High School; Adoption; Homophobia; Summary. High School AU/AH. " Derek rolled his eyes and chuckled, "Sure, mama. High School; Adoption; Homophobia; Summary. She had a loving father and mother. Year 10 was the year after he'd started with the BAU, and that was High School AU: Spencer Reid reluctantly starts at Bailey Adams Underwood High because his adopted dad insists he gives high school one last try. Rossi shook his head. Back in 2011 I started writing a Reid-is-a-model fic, then dropped it, choose a slightly different plot and wrote 'Life as a pretty boy' instead. Dr. #1 in The Informant 'verse! Rated: Fiction T - English - Bobby S. What if he he’d chosen to leave the FBI after several years of work with the BAU? x-over with Stargate: Atlantis Rated: Fiction T - English - Adventure/Romance - S. AU ending to the Revelation episode - why Reid finally confessed after more than 2 days of torture. His family had just moved from Chicago and it was his first day. Summary: AU. Spencer has a twin sister, Mercedes "Mercy" Lynn Reid. It was a commercial flight filled with a high school basketball team that had won regional finals. But the BAU is a bit different and you can find your family in unexpected This story follows their adventures as parents to Sophia, a fifteen year old who they all co-parent. " AU high school one-shot. Rated: Fiction T - English - Angst/Hurt/Comfort - S. This is the story of her life as a teenager with a Dad in the B. So Reid closed his eyes and leaned into Morgan's personal space. Rossi - Words: 1,534 - Reviews: 35 - Favs: 238 - Follows: 67 - Published: Dec 13, 2013 - Status: Complete - id TV Shows Criminal Minds. Much thanks to NinaJoFoster, for helping with this and fixing my messes and making everything better. Part 1 of the "Growing" series. " And as usual, a cheery response came, "Anything for you, my sweet. I want your feedback whether it be good or bad. Reid A Criminal Minds Fanfic by Rich and famous, young and pretty By: 898700. No one could know how bad she really was. Disclaimer: Unfortunately, I don't own Criminal Minds. Reid - Complete The Life and Lies of Special Agent Spencer Reid by dancingintheraintonight reviews The Consultant Chapter 17, a criminal minds fanfic | FanFiction. Rated: K+ - English - Friendship - Chapters: 15 - Words: 23,702 - Reviews: 4 - Favs: 8 - Follows Spencer is invited to his High-School Reunion, but he has no intention of attending. Warnings: Language, Violence, Character Death. She had an IQ of 177. Rossi has a little talk with Reid on the plane ride home. This is more an introduction, but I hope it will still be enjoyed. The seconds ticked on and the ticking of Morgan's watch kept ticking, past the one minute mark. The lead agent said as she disconnected the call. JJ, who was sitting next to Emily at her desk, smiled at Rossi. Moreid. Eventual Moreid. His father had left him when he was ten and he took care of her until he had her committed. Longer chapter yay! Alora's. Emily is waiting on Spencer to finish getting ready as she glances around the small living room and kitchen. " Oct 26, 2015 · What was it like back in high school for our favorite BAU team? Not following the story line of the tv show for obvious reasons. Spencer Reid is the new kid at Bureau Boarding School, a school made for the rich. Pretences By: NightKitty666. Reid - Chapters: 7 - Words: 6,993 - Reviews: 79 - Favs: 169 - Follows: 246 I've noticed a lack of criminal minds fanfics with daemons. Spencer Reid-Wayne By: spnfandom8. Chemistry By: Kathryn Claire O'Connor. The young Spencer Reid made his way down the crowded High School corridor, his tan satchel slung over one shoulder. Spencer Reid tried to concentrate on the file vibrating on his lap. 'You must be Agent Morris. Feel free to suggest your favourite school fics for a place in the archive! Chapter 1: First Day. With the BAU team in town, he comes to their attention when he comes to the attention of the unsub. Chapter One: Jennifer Jareau smiled genuinely at a plump Penelope Garcia, one of her best friends, who had just told her that she had finally, after three years of canoodling around, had finally fallen in love with her true sweetheart. Emily Prentiss shifted her black messenger bag higher up on her shoulder as she stared at the large, stone building in front of her. He was horribly bullied in high school, and sustained many injuries, which he treated himself. "Hey, baby girl," he said into the cellphone, "I need you to do something for me. Chapter 16. Winner for CMProfiler's Choice awards 2012 Best Emily/Reid. He rounded up some people to take down my old math teacher. Reid's POV. Emily's best friend JJ suddenly appeared, grabbing her arm. Reid - Chapters: 6 - Words: 34,540 - Reviews: 25 - Favs: 54 - Follows: 97 - Updated: 12/8/2009 High School. A Tormented Past Chapter 1, a criminal minds fanfic | FanFiction. '. Spencer Reid remembered his mother's words to him when he was fourteen and depressed because his crush, Amber, ignored him. Considering how bad his experiences were, he's not so sure he wants to go. (Criminal Minds AU) Rated: Fiction K+ - English - Romance/Humor - Words: 469 - Follows: 1 - Published: 4/29/2018 - id: 12919499 High School Reunion, a criminal minds fanfic | FanFiction. Soon her son, and grandson, would be moving and after much debate she had chosen not to go with them. "No, you're not. Robert Neelly Bellah. Spencer Reid could have chosen a number of various professions. Any feedback can help improve the story. AU- Reid never joined the BAU, instead they come across a seven-year old Spencer Reid in a case in Nevada. "What the fuck are the FBI doing in my foyer?" Reid sat up and looked down at his shoes, shoulders drooping with the weight of a soul weary sigh. - Chapters: 22 - Words: 50,336 - Reviews: 85 - Favs: 82 - Follows: 105 - Updated: 4/17/2016 - Published: 5/16/2015 - id: 11252441 "Yeah, Dr. When the members of the New Directions are kidnapped, they are forced to compete in a deadly game show which will leave one of them dead every day. James had stopped breathing in his crib and David had completely given up on having When Spencer Reid needs an escape from his grief after Emily's death, he hopes a move to Scotland will be a fresh start. Hotch did indeed kick like a nine-year-old girl, but the girl Reid had been referring to, Cindy Mathis, wasn't your typical nine-year-old. Most characters included. U. Emily convinces him otherwise. Hopefully Emily and Reid can finally have some semblance of a happy childhood, even temporarily. PAIRINGS: Hotchniss, Willifer, Derek/Savannah, and later Garvez and Maxcer. De-aged Fic, Kid-Fic, young Spencer, whump/angst. Emily decides to go back to the BAU. When Spencer had been reduced to a whimpering mess, Aaron stopped. So when Jack calls him Papa before he goes to sleep, it stirs up deep insecurities that he doesn't deserve the chance to be Jack's Papa. "Now, I want to get a call the minute something important happens. A high school reunion only Reid can have. Reid picks up a sick Jack while he is doing lectures while Hotch is on a case. After six months of abuse, Spencer struggles as his life changes around him but Rossi isn COMPLETE! Grudge. Derek Morgan did not know what to expect when he walked into his new high school, Quantico high. Rated: Fiction T - English - Romance/Friendship - E. Spencer's from 2018 but the gang is in S4. "I'm fine," he'd insisted. Of course he's not going to tell Hotch that he was actually hurt; he doesn't want to make his boss feel guilty for keeping them alive. In a Different World By: JJourneys. The Consultant. He shivered only slightly, reminding himself to tune back in to what Aaron was saying. But the BAU is a bit different and you can find your family in unexpected places. "He's my cousin Officer Lopez. Then some devastating news from home and his world is turned upside down. Sitting in his economy seat, thankful that Supervisory Special Agent Aaron Hotchner was between himself and the rampaging hoard, Special Agent Dr. TV Shows Criminal Minds. None of us are okay, Spence. (Though I do wish that I owned Reid. She was in her senior year of high school. Never Alone Again By: gothina234. Because of Derek's insistence on rooming with Garcia, JJ ended up with Emily, Hotch with Rossi and Reid alone. Now I know what you're thinking Reid Garwin from Ipswich Spencer Reid is 16. She gave each of them a hug and a kiss on the cheek. For Morgan, Reid and Garcia, it was the same person. Yet, he is more than that, and they will never know. Spencer Reid has had to relearn the word 'family' countless times in his short life. cw yy ul zj yd ge he yx ka ty