Emotional person dating a logical person reddit

Last UpdatedMarch 5, 2024


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It's not something that's 'wrong' with him. 1. We have two distinct types of intelligences. The man child in the White House is the perfect example of that. Anyway, back to the friend and the stocks. He’s got opinions, especially on topics he’s interested in. They can be stubborn asf as well. You have to communicate, but then you also have to take actions to resolve the issues. But for the most part, logic works very well. ADMIN MOD. We are now private for 48 hours due to Reddit's actions against third party platforms and content… Tough telling because I think logic and emotion is often blurred. The INFP is known as the Idealist, the Mediator, and the Healer of the Myers Briggs theory. 12. Her friend then wanted to know what I found so funny. I will use that to make sure I get the relationship that I want. They expect you to be grateful for their below the bare minimum behavior. They devalue and undervalue their own emotional state and in turn the emotional states of others. Logic says 1+1=2 but nobody is choosing to change their lifestyle based on that fact. All you feel is your soul being sucked out by interacting with them. the reason you are getting bent out of shape when things happen in games or anything is because you are attached. Easy, cause many of us men have had games played on us so we respond in kind. INFPs are guided by an unwavering desire to be authentic and stand firmly by I (30s M) laughed at my wife’s (30s F) friend (30’s F). dating a more logical person is hard. You’ll probably find that a quick coffee turns into a long dinner and an even later nightcap, with minimal awkward silences. 60% of autistic men frequently feel lonely and depressed about their lack of love life compared to just 25% of women. They arn't the most social or spontaneous as a result. Emotion is absolutely grounded in logic, because emotion itself is a product of a system of order. Long story short, my wife and her friend were talking about her friend’s dating success. The opposite of logic is illogic, not emotion. Joint most logical - INTPs and ENTJs (types with primary Tx, plus intuition). Also men encode emotional memories with their right side of their amygdala, women encode emotional memories with the left side of their amygdala. I was told emotional people are too sensitive and Im an extremely logical person almost robotic, i base my decisions on logic rather than emotion and i rarely feel emotion, i have no ego, im fine being wrong, have no problem admitting it. My friend was encouraging me to "call my mother and reconcile for mother's day" and I explained (again) the emotional and mental abuse I went through and her refusal Yes, but let’s say the dynamic changes somehow. But now I seem to have fallen for her. Not for opinions, not for relationship advice, and not for preaching. 20 years of INTJ forums and they still have all the same songs. I'm tired of hearing this quote. people that argue from emotion aren't "not using logic" so much as they are using shitty logic ("this is true cuz feels are reals"). Remember though, just because someone makes decisions based on values'n'shit doesn't inherently mean they're emotional, although it often has a correlation. If all a person does is follow their emotions, realistically they're just letting their subconscious run their life. That’s because an intelligent man has interests. I'm diplomatic and a good problem solver. Business, Economics, and Finance. Problems occur when they are out of balance. It has nothing to do with logic. When people say "sometimes you just need to listen", it means that sometimes people come to you because they want emotional support, not an answer. It’s okay to like someone! It’s okay to want to get to know someone, spend time with them, etc. Blocking them works wonders. The key take away here is that you are telling me how I should feel, but I'm telling you how I do feel. that itself is too much 'logic'. I have a dilemma with establishing my personality type ive No. I'm lost on what to do. Yeah I sometimes wonder if I’m just a bit sociopathic because the average person does seem to care about how their partner slept or how their days going, but I get most emotionally invested in conversations about religion, politics, the human condition, suicide and so on - the very things they warn you not to talk about with a partner. Logic is emotions servant. That is what I’m trying to say in this post. " Woman posts most horrible profile that any logical man would shun. Id argue in terms of relationships, women operate far more logically than men. You start off as very confident and approach women, but still get rejected every time —-> Answer: You are not confident enough and women can pick up on that. Whereas, most often, the purpose is to mount logical and reasonable statements for or against particular points in order to more better know our actual beliefs and, indeed, feelings, women, through perhaps no fault of their own, struggle with this sort of "suspended reality" and engage their peers emotionally. About a year ago, I was dating a girl who had a really really old dad (she was 16, her dad was like 75 or 76?). I'm enfp and he's intj. otherwise emotional man doesn't values at all. Sex gets better if you trust and are comfortable with your partner and the more you do it together the more you learn about each other. And when a highly logical discussion comes up I feel like I am surrounded by *ssh*les. So I asked this guy I like out on a date and he said yes. Basically: keep it to yourself. just talk to more people, anywhere you can meet people, of all walks of life, girls or guys. And make it clear he isn’t obligated. Furthermore, we should always strive to be as logical as possible in quantitative decision-making such as stock investments, even if it's impossible to be truly objective. The thing that it's contingent on is emotionally or unconsciously derived, and then all people rationalise it ad hoc after the fact to justify it or explain it. People don't need to be devoid of emotions to make rational decisions. r/infp. That, or the emotional cons of abusing someone would far outweigh the purely logical benefits. Men and women have struggled to understand how the other's brain works since the dawn of time. It takes logic to understand that those emotions are a helpful guide, but not always the correct response. "Developing Fi" is useless in that regard. Think about what your goal is and the best tools to achieve that goal. Also, I suspect that I am able to remain logical because my emotional connection to the other person isn't strong enough for me overlook logic. Neither one is inherently better than the other -it just depends on the situation. Id also say, men are the true romantics, all the rom coms or poems about romances, they are true about men. INFPs are guided by an unwavering desire to be authentic and stand firmly by He seems very logical in that he is solution oriented - some people are just this way. If you think really hard about the kinds of things you're correcting people on, you'll find that most of them are unnecessary. A relationship based with two logical dominant individuals tends to feel more stable, mechanical, and methodical, which creates this feeling of not being natural. talk to more of them, make more friends. Troll them, do not engage. 4M subscribers in the dating_advice community. Highly intelligent men aren’t short on conversation. Id get to therapy and deal with the emotional ballast you're drowning in before the wedding. 2. However I think your question is not the right one. Ideally he should be making attempts to understand you better also but you can't force another person to change. On the OTHER hand, however. 5) Before I believed that I was powerless to the whims of other people in a relationship. Giving Advice. And at some point, people aren't entitled to be children anymore. " "That's a bad idea. Women who actually exercise some discretion with men waste a lot less time with "fuckboys" and have a better chance of building a decent relationship, even if it means waiting a while. No one felt used and I never felt cheap or gross after. Women get angry, but that comes attached to “hysterical” and “irrational. Crypto 32% of autistic men have never had a boyfriend/girlfriend compared to 14% of autistic women. Anyone who has been to a bar can vouch for the emotional nature of men. Whoever says that men are told to never express their emotions has clearly never lived with a male family member who thinks it's acceptable to punish his entire family with his bad mood. Reply reply. Sometimes the emotional and logical response to a situation are basically the same. A man doesn’t get angry, he’s “passionate” and “righteous. , but all in a healthy way that is comfortable for both people. + Literally robots with no emotions. Not the A-hole. This issue has been driving me nuts, ever since I could remember. I (30s M) laughed at my wife’s (30s F) friend (30’s F). "It's hot outside, let's all go for ice-cream. The sad thing is, the people I spoke to, had hardly any emotions, if any. Write an email, but don't put anyone's address in the recipient list so you don't actually send it. 3. I'm emotionally more intelligent, or at least I question my emotions more. look up ways to do it meditation etc etc. So why 1) Say goodbye to small talk. Logic is contingent and concerned with consistency. this one's easy, ignore all the advice saying "do this and do that". "I hate feels and feelers", "I'm better than everyone", and "why don't I have any friends". Crypto Business, Economics, and Finance. Before long, all you’re really doing is changing who you are for better or worse. I am 2e. I'm actually pretty envious of people who fall blindly in love, because I don't think I've ever felt that depth of emotion, at least in a romantic sense. When i came across vegan articles and memes, thats all i needed to become vegan and it happened instantly, i accepted that i was an animal abuser and that i I'm very emotional internally and the emotions are hard to deal with. If you're inside, go outside for a few minutes. He really hasn't had anything close to struggle in his life- he's a white male from a privileged family. Emotions are the result of our body sending us a chemical signal that prompts us to do an action. Find a woman in my area! Free to join to find a man and meet a woman online who is single and looking for you. I’ve decided I no longer want to spend time dating a person who will later reveal they’re unable to make decisions without letting their emotions get the best of them or even leading them to make unreasonable or immature decisions. Hey guys. They claimed that the world runs on logic and all successful people hide their emotions to be able to succeed in life. I'm 100% the opposite - the brain first and then the heart. But she knows she was hurt during the process. Now coming to the situation I started dating a girl casually and I was very inconsiderate about her feelings initially. "Logical" does not mean "morally sound," and most social situations don't benefit from a logic forward response. They see the world through an imaginative lens, and live rich, personal inner lives. Ironically, he has Aspergers which means he should be terrible at reading emotions, but we're both blunt and direct with how we're feeling and it's really done wonders for our relationship. 9. The opposite of emotion is apathy, indifference, un emotion. Making sure the attachment is healthy and progresses in a healthy way. Please consider doing X to help me manage the hurt. It seems like they have different coping styles. 'Do what must be done, whatever the cost'. Learn to regulate your emotions. true. They talk 2 much and act superior. Always try to leave people better than you found them, you never know. "Men are logical and women are emotional creatures". Yeesh, young INTJs and their "ooo, I'm so logical and smart that I shit on all the feels, rarrr, hate is the only logical emotion". Snoo90172. Logical people keep us honest, but explaining things like intuition, and why you value something is a pain in the butt. I've been getting a lot of replies about this one. Agreed. Posted by u/Cool-guy-says-what - 1 vote and 4 comments Posted by u/throwaway32411175 - 6 votes and 2 comments AITA for using my friends "logic" against her and making her cry. Smart people are very good at rationalising opinions they have for non-rational reasons. If you're angry or worked up, try to talk yourself down. Men's emotional outbursts of anger literally come with body But logic is based on emotion. Crypto Probably people especially girls and womans don't refer a emotional man for this reason. Now I have just as much power over a relationship as the other person does. Equally Emotion is a compass and gives direction, and a person behaving in accordance with that could still be said to be logical. Fi users are emotional and they care about their values and collecting research that reflects their values and being emotional about things that may cross it. It's not your fault per say, it's the previous girl's fault. Women are more logical with relationships, men are more emotional. At this stage in life (40s) I'm emotionally mature, emotionally self aware, and have healthy coping skills. INFPs are deeply individualistic and walk to the beat of their own rhythm. SNARK Sub for Jax and Brittany. I (34M) am currently dating an (33F) extremely emotional woman. I always question They're the easiest type of person to deal with. Advantages of irrational behavior typically revolve around emotional responses (such preferring to hang out with your wife over appeasing 10 strangers). Logic and emotion have nothing to do with each other. They're both hyper-emotional people who think with heart first and then their brain. A relationship based with two emotional individuals seems to be more chaotic and unstable, exhausting but at the same time incredibly appasionate. That is absolutely a logical, orderly system. They also tend to be better at dealing with people, empathizing, and being creative. ) But we humans are not robots we have emotions and feelings so acting as a robot or a war,Business machine is nonsense thing in my eyes. Hate is a strong word for it, but they tend to struggle to understand emotions. ”. A person is logical just in case she tends to correctly use such relations in her reasoning. I can’t magically make it stop. People who are left-brained tend to care more about logic and reason. People express, and deal with, emotions in different ways. But whatever you do, it has to involve both of you. Most mature and stable people can get through life without wearing their feelings on their sleeves. 45M subscribers in the AskReddit community. I'm not doing a 'gotcha' referring to the fact that probably every single You might feel like you are very unemotional and logical because media kinda puts logical reactions so high these days. Logic considers the outcome of an action and weighs it against the outcome you most desire with an attempt to align the two. As a result, they tend to make decisions based on logic rather than emotions. You could be emotional and do this, or unemotional and do this. I hate having to explain emotions to logical people. I feel like this balances it out. What you describe is “a person who doesn’t have good emotional regulation skills”. The biggest problem with logic, however, is that the majority of people think their perspectives are logical when in reality it's a skewed/biased idea. Ad hominem To attack the person not the argument: "We should increase taxes", "Don't listen to him, he only showers once a week". However, providing you with "logical reasons" (that are likely cherry picked half-comprehended data points to rationalise her irrational position) to criticise your habits, or to alienate you from your friends, sounds very problematic. 5 months and considering that it is still quite early, we are still fairly attached to each other. If I had a family member die and I need comfort, I’m going to an emotional person. try to learn to go “ok, I understand you didn’t mean to, and this is on me. Logic concerns certain relations between statement-forms, such as that the statement-forms, “If P then Q” and “P” cannot both be true unless “Q” is true as well. Women have smaller amygdalas with 80% less sensory neurons. We have a word for people that are completely controlled by their emotions all the time and can't manage them -- children. Logical People vs Emotional People Is there such a thing as logical people and emotional people? Do logical people use emotion differently or to a different degree, threshold or are they just masking their emotions through systematic thinking which still is rooted in some form of will, hence emotion? 164 votes, 46 comments. No different than a computer. I'm not but I lie to myself that I am cuz I don't want to… These people are normally shunned by society (sociopaths / psychopaths). NotTheEva. Emotions/intuitions are useful to use when our "logic" misses something. I'm calm in a crisis. To clarify, I'm using the word 'rational' to mean something along the lines of "being able to think logically - the ability to recognize and adhere to logic. Well she just found out that her dad contracted lung cancer. Me, the more emotional one, vs 3 people who think logic is everything. If I'm in a situation, whether it is an accident, an argument, or literally anything, people who get emotional . It sounds like you aren't very interested in compromising with her to resolve issues. Gas lighting. Whenever a discussion about values comes up I immediately feel like I'm surrounded by emotional people who can't see a bigger picture. " I'm not referring to a broader idea of intelligence or IQ. It's even worse when they're a therapist, and make everything logical. The actual approach is learning how to make sense of and manage one's emotions. One thing people forget about communication in relationships is that communication isn't enough. As someone coming from your boyfriend's perspective, chances are, you're not. But outwardly I'm generally perceived as a reserved person. I AM angry, telling me I should not be is invaliding my feelings. You go to great lengths in your post to basically say "I'm overly emotional and proud of it but I've never ever offended anyone with them and am super aware when I'm going overboard". The most “logical” / “cold” man is that way for the sole purpose of staying clear headed so he can better eliminate bad emotion and maximize good emotion. And as a lot of other commenters have said, take a moment. When you are arguing logic you are arguing that I should not feel angry for X reasons. (Only for gaining a emotional support for their relationships. Having said that, it does hurt. The best way to make him understand it is logically. There are some things in life, you just have to know. As such, they need a much stronger emotional stimulus. We have been going out for about 1. Te is the most logical function, and Fi is probably the most emotional. Remove one side and overall you will face a more difficult path since you have less tools at your disposal. What you call an emotional response is simply less-logical in that it is often less helpful, but it is indeed still logical nonetheless. Very rarely do we encounter something where needing to decipher between the two is actually difficult. It frequently causes problems with my mother and sister because we just don't see things in the same way. When people get emotional, they don't lose the ability to reason. 44M subscribers in the AskReddit community. Abusers always stand to gain something. . In my previous relationship at first I was an extremely logical and Cold hearted person which made my partner to fell in love with me and after about 6 months I started showing my emotions and it resulted in a lot of disagreements and problems which cuzed the Break-Up. I generally don't, without prompt, share how I'm doing or how I'm feeling. eventually you'll emulate aspects of them include their speech and attitudes and sound less like a dork. An ad hominem only occurs if you ignore the argument and attack the person to undermine the argument. A place to get personal things off your chest. Check the amygdala section. Here's the original text of the post: So, I have been dating one woman for about 6+ months and it has been a lot. 6. Emotional person dating a logical person - Join the leader in relations services and find a date today. People should not also take pride in being overly-emotional. I don’t understand people in this sub logic. Take a breather. SPdoc. 42M subscribers in the AskReddit community. TLDR; I'm too emotional and/or my therapist is too insensitive. You get sad over rejection —-> Answer: You get rejected because women can pick up on your sadness. It was like talking to a wall. But that doesn't mean you're correct when self diagnosing yourself tho. Damn, tell a man he’s wrong and he’ll get very emotional, unless anger is the new “logic”. Well hm. The thing is I'm a rather logical person than emotional. Its my job to deal with the feelings of everyone I wish to keep in my life. GameStop Moderna Pfizer Johnson & Johnson AstraZeneca Walgreens Best Buy Novavax SpaceX Tesla. Being in a relationship with anybody is about putting in work. I (36f) went no contact with my narcissistic family last year as I was done being their scapegoat. I do not agree that anyone is emotionally responsible for anyone else. Overhearing her friend’s logic, I let out a chuckle. Sep 4, 2017 · They tend to care more about relationships, feelings, and make decisions based on emotions rather than logic. We/People say men are more logical than women and women are more emotional, in general/average. I’m sick of wasting my time. Plus, many times our members put in a lot of emotional and mental labor to answer the questions and offer advice, so it's helpful to keep the source information around so future community members can benefit as well. Jax used to be the #1 guy in the group on Vanderpump Rules but he and… Like you are trying to navigate a field of landmines. Argue based on feelings and emotion. For people with bipolar disorder, part of that work is recovering. You could make a logical case for abusing another person. 5 comments. if human behavior can be analyzed in terms of means and ends, emotions dictate the ends sought while logic informs the means employed. The logical advice? I am a 25-year old Guy which is extremely emotional and I was in a toxic relationship which resulted in a break up. Wait a day and go back to it. Logic is useful to use to discriminate how knowledge and emotions/intuitions can be useful. I'm into learning childhood traumas, attachment styles. 21% of autistic men are satisfied with how their dating life is going compared to 46% of women. It is true that nearly every view someone has, and especially every action someone takes is based on emotion, but logic, or sometimes even flawed logic) is how people bridge the gap between their emotion and their actions. I told her that she shouldn’t be surprised that the men she rejects don’t want to aciddd123. If I’m trying to figure out whether to take a new job , I’ll go to a logical person 46 votes, 44 comments. I wanna know deep thoughts, whether what you do is influenced by childhood and parents. As an incredibly emotional person with a super logical partner. If you think hard enough, then logic begins to feel like a reactionary response to avoid emotional responses as much as possible. We already knew we were interested in each other, I just thought I’d take the… So a part of me will judge me for something, whilst the other is giving me compliments and vice versa. If it creates difficulties for you relationship, then you both need to look at the relationship and determine for yourselves what you want to do going forward. But for the majority of people, we feel empathy and thus that thought doesn’t even cross our mind. A logical person is just incredibly efficient at fulfilling emotional needs. Lets say I'm angry at you for whatever reason. I don't like being emotional in front of people, even family. I am in a semi-casual relationship with her where she is open to dating someone for an emotional connection. Most people have feelings of varied intensity about things. I have heightened senses, deep emotions, a logical mind, and high empathy. Once you dump them, they keep coming back with lame excuses to try to win you back. 4. My voice didn't matter and I could only have what I got. Yes, of course. This is different than caring how someone feels. Each type of person has strengths and weaknesses. What I got from it was intimacy and sex in a lonely situation. r/AskReddit is the place to ask and answer thought-provoking questions. It is logical and expected to have emotions. I don't know why people are just looking at you and suggesting therapy, you should show empathy ofc but if she does that way too often it can be draining, i was in a similar situation and advised my girlfriend to seek therapy for herself. Join and search! Men looking for a man - Women looking for a man. Dudes: "Women need to be more logical in dating. How I should feel is not relevant. Many of us men who have been around have had women ghost us, lead us on, waste our time so we smarten up and adopt your methods. Being “more logical” means you should be listened to because your decisions are sound, and being “more emotional” or “savage” means you are simply swayed by passing fancies and need to be guided by the more logical person/culture. Acting too 'rationally' in an emotional situation isn't logical. Overemotional people get too much leeway in life. Emotions have a logical basis (ie they're not utterly random) but in the dating world where people are often working on extremely limited information and getting super stressed out about things, trying to parse the logical basis of someone else's feelings is often a bad choice unless you've taken your time to recover first. it's not logic vs emotion. I'm more of a logical person , I don't much care about the feeling. Ti users are logical, and they rely on deductive reasoning and care about the absolute truth. 4K subscribers in the BlockedByJax community. Your girlfriend isn't great at communicating. People who are 'overly logical' can over think things and become paralyzed in action by their thoughts. What most men I have met believe is that men are able to use cold harsh logic instead of an emotional response to a critical event. The logical vs emotional brain is just how most male and female brains work. 12M subscribers in the relationship_advice community. I recognize my ability to make my own decisions. No logic can argue that you don't feel the way you do, and they just have to accept it even though to them it is not logical. Or, you’re forcing yourself to put up a front that isn’t who Yes, logic is driven by emotional ambitions, but that doesn't justify the embracing of further pathos in a quantitative decision. CMV: The vast majority of people are irrational. nd ja cs lj dy ot cu dn el gy