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My friend kissed me reddit

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  • Guess who started dating their “totally platonic” cuddle buddies or ruined the friendship because one of them confessed and it was unrequited 💀 so I second your statement. I wanted to deter her away from me and I asked one of my friends I was with to pretend to be in love with me. To start this out, let's give everyone names. I don't want to lose my best friend. We normally go out to bars and clubs and drink a lot. Sometimes being nervous makes you fuck up everything by yourself worse than if they were just found out. But for some reason I can’t tell him about other guys and he doesn’t seem to ever talk about other girls he might like. Back to Emma, she texted me and apologized. Big mistake. I have this friend who I really get along with, except, we are almost complete opposites. Our friends noticed but I just said I was tired and they accepted it because we are touchy with each other anyway. She then proceeded to tell me she has "strong feelings" for me. I kissed my best friend last night and I couldn't be happier. We know each other for 4 years approximately. tell him immediately. We were hanging in my bedroom and talking at this point she was a bit more drunk than me. If you do choose to move forward with your best friend, make sure he knows that you plan on moving past him in 6 months. Yesterday, I saw him on the bus. I've never been closer/more open with FriendlyNiff. She's my friend's wife. This is in the UK where 18 is drinking age btw. And then it was two kisses on the lips. H and N are dating, and have been for about 7 months or so. Boyf was in the other room. •. I was quite surprised and I instinctively pulled away and said maybe it was a bad time (again she was quite drunk). Our sexual relationship isn’t going well either; we have a hard time having intimacy. My best friend (21F) and I (21F) were at a friend’s bday party. We were both quite drunk and we had a hug and then she kissed me out of nowhere. We met up and went to get lunch yesterday and he ended up kissing me. Mackwiss. 5 years; he's 27, I'm 24. Our subreddit is primarily for discussions and memes that an average teenager would enjoy to discuss about. For a bit of context my friend group has the humour of slapping each other's ass and calling each other I was over at their place and napping on the couch while my friend was showering. Disrespecting your boundaries and taking advantage of you when you’re drunk shows that more than he cares about your needs and well-being as a friend, he wants what you can give him, and will keep pretending to be your friend until you give in. For some short backstory me and my bestfriend had gotten very close with each other very early in our friendship and I ended up moving in with her and her friend after they got a new place 2 months after we met. TL;DR female friend kissed me while drunk, opposite opinions of what’s appropriate between two opposite sex friends, debate if kissing on the lips is purely platonic Locked post. He’s so great and I really think this could be something big if we do this right. I've been straight my whole life, but I started having feelings for him. My best friend kissed me last night. He looked me dead in the eyes and said he didn’t regret it. He won't return my calls, or my texts. She said it many times. Being drunk and without thinking I reciprocated the kiss on her cheek and told her she was one of my favorite people too. Now to get to the main part of this story. What should I do? My friend kissed me. In my tired My friend 27/m were walking late night from college. A song is playing while this happens and one of the lyrics is "I'm gonna marry that girl" I overthink it. 5. I can just imagine all the straight boys in school suddenly hearing about your guys kiss then seeing you guys walk around together. And she goes “just make out with me” when she (the other girl who couldn My friend kissed me. She's a friend. If you guys remember my last post, my best friend of 4 years and I spontaneously kissed one evening. Adam is married with a wife of his own who I am friends with. Should I date him, I love Carter, but I have never thought of him in that way. I didn't want to think of it and just kept my eyes closed until I was asleep again, but the next day I felt rather disappointed and frustrated than angry. We weren’t cuddling or anything of that sort, but as I was leaving, she begged me not to go because we’re ADMIN MOD. It was then that I realized that we had kissed. We played a game called 7 minutes in heaven which is where the chosen people go to a private room and are supposed to make out. How should i confront him? We had plans to eat something then sit together and drink alcohol, then go home. The other day we were all hanging out, and when it came time for his best friend to leave, he came in for the usual one-arm-half-hug, but at the end he kissed me on my forehead. Back in the beginning I had a crush on her that wasn’t reciprocated, so I moved on and our friendship slowly evolved, during all those years we’ve both lived fairly close and cross country from one another. At the end of the night, my wife asked me (sober) to drive everyone home as they were all too drunk to drive and PeaceForHumanity. Then she panicked. She doesn’t like making plans, nor going out with my family or friends. Quick history of Zack and I: Zack is 27 and I am 24 (girl). This is not the first time last month she kissed me I didn't think My other friend follows me on reddit so I'm gonna be very vague about this. Didn’t think much of it, he acted like nothing happened so I followed suit and ended up in a relationship about 3 months later. She made very good friends with all the bouncers and waiters etc. My married friend [29F] kissed me [27F] Infidelity. My friend is really nice, and I adore him , but only as a friend. My (19F) drunk friend (19M) kissed me randomly. But as time passed and it didn’t go away I was like okay I’ll tell him before it hits 10 years. My best friend [28F] kissed me [32M] Relationships. But I’m pretty sure he doesn’t like me though because he’s always been the first to stop our “closer” interactions. Kissing has been his way of expressing some interest towards you. He's told me before things like, "I am so glad I met you this year," and, "Meeting you made my life so much better. Well we were chosen and I thought we were just gonna sit there and wait the time out because we In the next day my head was clear. I didn't return his feelings, now he is saying he can't be my friend. Last weekend, my wife (40f) hosted a girls night at our house for a few of her friends. I shouldn’t like him, his my best friend. r/all. He blamed me on the groups for leaving them ("I'm leaving because of roaringleopard"). I don't think someone like that should work with My friend [25F] kissed me [28M] on the cheek while drunk. She ran to her room and stayed inside. I guess I’m hoping someone who has been in the same position with me can offer some advice on what I should do next. Try to get to pikachu and tell him chill out. He said that's not it and he asked me not to discuss it. And we were joking about what women could turn us gay and I was saying like celebrities but then she said me. I never move around in my sleep but I couldn't sleep because it was cramped and this girl was sleeping on me (it was cramped but she definitely had plenty of room on her side). Our usual ritual for when he comes home from break is meet up with our small group of best friends and we smoke (weed) and drink and have a good time. Help!! My guy Friend kissed me !!! :/. We often referred to each other as Wife’s friend kissed me. a card came up that said "first person to kiss someone in the group gets to tell someone else to take a shot" and i thought haha that'd be so funny if someone in our group In college, some of my classmates told me that it’s totally normal to do that amongst friends and that I’m the weird one. My best friend kissed me. Maybe they are both just confused, or curious about kissing and stuff. This time i was going through some shit and really needed to have a night out so i message my guy friend ( i'll call him Aaron) and my other Me and the boyf have been together for 1. My best friend of almost 6 years kissed me So my (26M) best friend (25F) will have been friends for 6 years in January. De tapatap. Fast forward 10 years, she still talks to some of these bouncers as they’d take care of her and drive her home and were all good friends. I came out to my very straight best friend and then she kissed me! [Coming Out] Coming Out. Tell him. He was a platonic friend of a few months and we have never had anything romantic or sexual between us. Naturally, I talked to him about it, thinking he was gonna laugh it off. We saw each other several times between that evening and last night and I couldn't gather the courage to tell him. Yesterday, she told me to stop after finishing the last class. He didn't mind. Ok context, I (27 f) hooked up with one of my best guy friends drunk like 7 years ago. My friend ended up getting too drunk so I took her to the bathroom to throw up, I guess he was leaving soon and he came to the bathroom to say goodbye to us, I stepped out the bathroom so he wouldn’t be able to see my friend in that state. I was at my mates birthday party and I was a bit tipsy and my friend was fairly drunk but when I went to go say goodbye we hugged and he kissed me on the neck. I gave him about 4 glasses of wine while we were hanging out. Let's just say, I have a lot of problems rn. When I saw him I just fell in love. Saturday night I came out to her and she was like "yeah I know haha" and when I told her I still hadn't kissed I had a little crush on her initially but I chose to ignore those feelings because I was more focused in my career goals and getting my dream job. Definitely a need to know situation. My best friend kissed me, but is dating another one of my best friends, and I think I am in love with her. The other night my friend came over to hang out with me, I hadn't realized he'd been drinking heavily before coming to my house. So I am just a regular friend of her. I met him at my work. You will need at least a year of therapy before you're ready for that, and that's if she'll have you. This is really messing me up and I don't know what to do. So my (20f) best friend (21f) and I got drunk last night. He would always refill my water bottle for me when I fell asleep in health (our shared class) and he kept a drawing I made of him in his phone case. At first I thought I had screwed up, but she was okay My friend kissed me in her sleep? I had to share a bed with a female friend (who I happen to be into) and the bed was a double so it was pretty cramped. I’m a straight guy in my first year of university, back in september I met a guy on my course. The people I was living with were having some problems with their marriage and started to pull me into it. . I saw her at a coffee shop. Adam has been my husband's friend for about 10 years now. Eventually we became very close friends. He thinks we're friends. Hello Everyone. so i hugged him then since e were facing each other, he as looking deep into my eyes. My friends mom kissed me again. DayaCuevasOmega. So a little bit of back story, I recently moved out of my friends', who are a married couple (We'll call them Jess and Ben) and got my own place. We regularly hang out with our partners and also with a group of friends we are part of. We met in residence in our first year of university and now in our third I live right across the street from her, so we see each other everyday. You know if you are actually into your male best friend. I had a couple drinks, then went back to her house to watch some TV before we went home. Names have been changed. As we are in the same university (but different departments), we meet frequently there. Personally I’d find it funny but still cute and you shouldn’t let any homophobes determine how yall treat each other in public. The other day as I was checking the bus times for him, he spotted My friend kissed me and I don’t know how or what to do or feel! Relationships / Dating. I acted as if I didn’t recall the conversation because I was pretty tipsy. I threw him out of my house. I tried to "forget" this. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t enjoy it, even though I’m the one who stopped it. So we spent the new years together, and we walked behind her house to see the fireworks. I asked whether this means that he wish it hadn't happened. But before leaving he asked me to give back the gifts he gave me. My girlfriend use to be a very heavy drinker when she worked at bar as a bartender. Why can’t i stop thinking about him. My guy friend kissed me. He didn't show it or seem off. I get it. After her brother (12M) left the backyard, she KISSED ME on the LIPS and i have no idea what to Yesterday she came over to my house and I was in the middle of talking when she grap me by the neck and kissed me and I kissed her back(I do like her but she's so important to me and i don't want to ruin that) it wasn't just a kiss it was one of those you say "damn. Then he blocked me everywhere and left all groups with me in them. Her wanting to work with kids makes me sick to my stomach. So I (21F) have liked my best friend (21M) since we first met when we were 11 and I told him n we talked a bit over summer break n when we got back it was like nothing happened so I never said anything again. He told me if anything it made us closer; I was overwhelmed with happiness because my fear of losing my best friend was gone and our friendship grew. Snow White. Enter my husband's best friend Adam (29M). I thought he maybe had had 1-2 drinks but I later learned it was about 4 high abv drinks. Fast forward to now, I just ended that long-term relationship and went to my guy friends (31 m) party. Congratulations on a successful kiss! Yes, it's safe to conclude that, at the very least, she liked kissing you back. Okay so I (14F) have a friend (16F), we've been friends for a really, REALLY long time. People start getting up to go back inside. You'd see them coming unless your eyes were closed or you weren't looking at them. After they kissed me he saw it and walked up to me, grabbed my face and kissed me on the lips. it lasted between 1-3 seconds, she went over to him and they said hello/how are you, then she just leant in to kiss him and he just did it back. The night consisted of a lot of drinking, girl talk and just hanging out while I (40m) hung out upstairs in my office. It's been half a week and we're awkward. TLDR: I kissed my best guy friend and I need advice on how to navigate going from friendship to something more. She then kissed me again and felt me up. So I’ve been friends with this guy for about 7 years and we have always been really good friends and I’ve a always had a crush on him , he knows I’m gay and and has always accepted it but never really acknowledged it just acts like I’m not gay which really annoyed me My straight friend kissed me unexpectedly. Cut him off girl, disrespecting boundaries like that is an extreme red flag. Now you should try to communicate and see if he's actually okay turning things back to before. it was cold outside so i was holding his arm and walking backwards. Mr. He gave me back my charger that he was using and we hugged, and he held onto me tight and before I could At work, Carter won't even look at me. after we stopped walking and i asked for a hug. Like that gave him permission to take off the rest of my clothes. New comments cannot be posted. Story: Steve is my "friend". We’ve been friends for close to 6 years. I can see why you're reluctant to tell your partner. We have been friends for six years, and in the past two years we became incredibly close. He is your best mate be honest with him. Be as honest and transparent with him as possible. DO NOT get into a relationship with her at this time. I don't believe her other friends know that. I was so happy to see her. This woman also told me not to seek psychiatric help knowing I was depressed and after she had already lost a friend to suicide, not answering their last phone call. His friend has been his best friend for over 10 years. I've known this girl for a couple years now and we've always been really close. I pointed out her kids, and marriage. Me is me, Male best friend is N, female best friend is H. I want nothing to do with him, but I've been courteous to him. We're both 34 (34M, 34M). Edit: I just wanted to thank those who told r/teenagers is the biggest community forum run by teenagers for teenagers. He told me it was a split second thing it was with a girl he knows, he was having air outside and they kissed. Sooooo I had not seen my best friend since before the pandemic until she stayed the weekend at my house. " and he always seems to look at me first when anything funny happens in class. Since we were to work together I thought that it will just go away on its own. A joke. I grew up with a bit of a nice guy complex, and always wanted a relationship. . But I also told her I didn't look at her like that. He's pretty cool and i’d say we now are best friends. Claire and I start to as well, but before we do Claire tells me I’m one of her favorite people and kisses me on the cheek. My friend kissed me last night…. Do it today so he doesn't have to hear about it twenty times and think the only reason you are saying anything is to CYA. He could also have just told you verbally, it would have been the same. My friend came over yesterday and we've been having on and off "dirty" sessions for a year now, but this time after some "backside stuff" and them just being generally a top and me being a bottom, we ended up cuddling for a bit and after a long while of nice chatting we kissed! ADMIN MOD. She started giving me a bunch of explanations (I was just checking if I was gay, I just feel like you need a kiss sometimes). We're together most of the time when we aren't in classes and hang out most weekends. I woke up randomly in the middle of the night, didn't open my eyes as I was trying to go back to sleep when I felt her peck my upper lip (guess she wanted to kiss me but missed). For real. I tried denying it at first, but after she told me about the security system in her home, I admitted that I did. There was a girl at the party we were attending who has been on me heavy for weeks despite me rejecting her…. Ho boy, my brain is still struggling to comprehend that this is real. Joke aside the other night me and a group of friends (all f20-22) were playing a drinking game, my bf (m20) wasnt there cuz he lives in a different state. He was an instant crush. She then kissed me and when I managed to push her off she managed to pin me against the wall again and told me that it’d be really bad for the police or Justin to find out about the theft. My friend tells me that maybe the relationship isn’t meant to last and thinks my girlfriend doesn’t treat me very well, even though I try to make things work. I like drugs, cigarettes and overall, am a bit of a wreck. A minute is a long time to be kissing someone, or to let someone be kissing you. I actually tried to ask him "yesterday did we. It wasn't until my early 20s I realized how toxic and gross that mentality was and started taking We finally kiss after what feels like ages. My friends mom kissed me again I went to my friends house he was still in the shower so his mom said I should come inside and wait for him she grabbed my chin and gave me a kiss on the lips as I entered the house. Luckily my friends believed me. It's all just so much. TL;DR - my best friend kissed my husband and neither of them told me, I had to find out from another friend. She asked me to meet her so we could clear the air. How do I approach her about this? It's just so awkward and I don't know what to say. Rant. TL;DR My best friend Carter kissed me. When I woke up his sister was kissing me. Since you were friends before this, it shouldn't be too hard to bring it up casually (that also gives you an out of "I was joking" if she doesn't feel the same way) in conversation. Note that this girl and I don’t really interact a lot outside My 39F friend has been sort of hitting on me 41F for a while now. Advice. Give a very sincere apology to your friend, and do your best to un-humiliate her in front of the same crowd who witnessed the kiss. Talk to your bro and make sure he understands that he did nothing wrong. He didn’t. Joeyniles9. Cielo_luna2. I kissed my best friend last night. We watched a movie at his house and I had the urge to put my head on his shoulder so I did. The kiss was consensual, and neither of us were drunk. Mostly playful comments that I brushed off. I need Advice on a awkward situation. I’m terrified they’ll do the same to me and I can’t afford a lengthy court battle whilst he definitely can. ADMIN MOD. ParchedTatertot. we were all fairly drunk but still coherent enough to know whats going on. When I ride the bus home, he doesn't leave me alone. I just buried my nose in my gameboy, took a window seat, and put my backpack on the sorry if im not explaining very well is the first time that i post something on internet We where on a friends meeting then all we start to drink ,not at the point of being intoxicated,i think u get the point, all of my friend went to sleep,i stay with her on the living room ,we cuddle a few minutes,then she get closer to my mouth then we start to kissing for about 5 min,neck ,touches etc At 3am he kissed someone else. My other friend is not asleep like we thought they were and is understandably very uncomfortable and leaves. And I was drunk so I just laughed and was like wow IMO, it would be better to tell your best friend you would like to remain friends. We've had our ups and downs, but it always worked out in the end. He's gay which makes no difference. It's been a day now and we haven't talked since. " and he asked me not to discuss that. Last night on a party my friends girlfriend walked up behind me, hugged me and then kissed me while ADMIN MOD. We talked when the rest of them left and I told him I liked the kiss but I was confused about how I felt. Maybe he's not, or maybe you are not. Recently, I began planning a surprise party for my husband's birthday and I figured I would reach out to his friends about planning to see if they wanted to help. He said as soon as he realised what was happening he jumped My drunk friend kissed me on the neck and I can't stop thinking about it. I'll try to keep this short okay. I didn't notice he was on it till I got on. We’ve both dated other So my best friend of about 14 years Stella kissed me after her husband John died suddenly about 2 weeks ago. So I have this friend [25F] and we are both in relationships with other people. We stop what we're doing, have a conversation, and go to bed. I don't know what to do about this, my friend and I were out drinking, he's a friend from the military and we used to do this pretty often. F (29) So last night, my friend and I were hanging out. he kissed me on my forehead then cheek and said i looked so beautiful. My best friend kissed me and I don’t know how to feel. To be devils advocate, being drunk (as a male or female; doesn't matter the sex) is not an excuse. I’m just so worried about if things go sour I’m gonna lose him and his friendship means so much to me. One night we were having a few too many glasses of wine and she confessed to being bisexual. I don't know what to do. It's been the most confusing several days I've ever had. [rant] my friend kissed me and now acts homophobic. I recently went back home to visit family and i usually go out with friends when i'm in town. Get to work. The first was a joke, two of my drunk friends kissed me on the cheek (the one that was a male, turns out he actually wants to suck my dick, forget it that's another story). Things are about to get very complicated. We’ve been friends for a couple months and we’ve been hanging out a lot since school has started back up, and last night we were both super drunk and we were in my room and she kissed me, I kissed her back, it was nice but I was just super nervous bc I haven’t kissed a girl before. He never ever tries anything like this before, but the issue is he's married and I don't like him like that. kf ig sl vx oy qg fa ce mg ks