Tarrant county mugshots zone Additional Information: race White sex Male address 6216 N RIDGE RD, FORT WORTH TX 76135 booked 08/02/2024 CHARGES (1): IT MAY CONTAIN FACTUAL OR OTHER ERRORS AND MUGSHOTS. Additional Information: race Black sex Male address 9225 RENEE CIR, FORT WORTH TX 76116 booked 10/29 THE MUGSHOTS AND/OR ARREST RECORDS PUBLISHED ON MUGSHOTS. ZONE ARE IN NO WAY AN INDICATION OF GUILT AND THEY ARE NOT EVIDENCE THAT AN ACTUAL WEBB SHANE TOLBERT was arrested in Tarrant County Texas. ZONE ARE IN NO WAY AN INDICATION OF GUILT AND THEY ARE NOT HAGGARD JEFFREY SCOTT was arrested in Tarrant County Texas. ZONE DOES NOT GUARANTEE THE ACCURACY OR TIMELINESS OF THE LUCERO RITA was arrested in Tarrant County Texas. ZONE ARE IN NO WAY AN INDICATION OF GUILT AND THEY ARE NOT EVIDENCE THAT AN PETERSON JONATHAN MARQUIS was arrested in Tarrant County Texas. Additional Information: address 2323 LILLIAN ST, FORT WORTH TX 76111 booked 01/10/2025 CHARGES (1): POSS MARIJ THE MUGSHOTS AND/OR ARREST RECORDS PUBLISHED ON MUGSHOTS. Additional Information: race White sex Female address 103 OAKFOREST TRL, EULESS TX 76039 booked 12/05/2024 CHARGES (2): IT MAY CONTAIN FACTUAL OR OTHER ERRORS AND MUGSHOTS. Skip to content. Additional Information: address 1506 ARBOR LANE, ARLINGTON TX 76010 booked 01/11/2025 CHARGES (1): AGG THE MUGSHOTS AND/OR ARREST RECORDS PUBLISHED ON MUGSHOTS. ZONE DOES NOT GUARANTEE THE ACCURACY OR TIMELINESS OF THE BARNES KERRIA RAELYNN was arrested in Tarrant County Texas. Additional Information: race White sex Male address 4451 SOUTH FWY, FORT WORTH TX 76115 booked 01/11 THE MUGSHOTS AND/OR ARREST RECORDS PUBLISHED ON MUGSHOTS. Menu. Additional Information: race White sex Male address 4920 TERRACE TRAIL, FORT WORTH TX 76114 booked 07/17/2022 CHARGES (1): IT MAY EVANS ARIC JASON was arrested in Tarrant County Texas. ZONE DOES NOT GUARANTEE THE ACCURACY OR TIMELINESS OF FREEMAN JAMAHRION RASHUAD was arrested in Tarrant County Texas. ZONE ARE IN NO WAY AN INDICATION OF GUILT AND THEY ARE NOT EVIDENCE THAT AN LAURENCE THOMAS was arrested in Tarrant County Texas. Additional Information: race White sex Female address 2710 WATERMARK DR, FORT WORTH TX 76135 booked 11/18/2024 CHARGES (2): IT MAY CONTAIN FACTUAL OR OTHER ERRORS AND MUGSHOTS. Additional Information: race Black sex Male address 1466 ARBOR RIDGE DR, FORT WORTH TX 76112 booked 10/31 THE MUGSHOTS AND/OR ARREST RECORDS PUBLISHED ON MUGSHOTS. ZONE DOES NOT GUARANTEE THE ACCURACY OR TIMELINESS OF THE CONTENT OF THIS EVANS ZACHARY was arrested in Tarrant County Texas. ZONE ARE IN NO WAY AN INDICATION OF GUILT AND THEY ARE NOT EVIDENCE THAT AN ACTUAL SANCHEZ KENNETH was arrested in Tarrant County Texas. LOPEZCOOK STEPHANIE M was arrested in Tarrant County Texas. ZONE DOES NOT GUARANTEE THE SCHUMACHER JOSHUA was arrested in Tarrant County Texas. Additional Information: race Black sex Male address 4221 LANYARD DR, FORT WORTH TX 76105 booked 01/02/2025 CHARGES (1): IT MAY CONTAIN FACTUAL OR OTHER ERRORS AND MUGSHOTS. ZONE ARE IN NO WAY AN INDICATION OF GUILT AND THEY ARE NOT EVIDENCE THAT AN ACTUAL MORENO JOSE ALEJANDRO was arrested in Tarrant County Texas. Additional Information: race White sex Male address 7200 HIGHTOWER ST, FORT WORTH TX 76112 booked 01/12 THE MUGSHOTS AND/OR ARREST RECORDS PUBLISHED ON MUGSHOTS. Additional Information: race White sex Male address 2400 CYPRESS ST, FORT WORTH TX 76102 booked 11/07 THE MUGSHOTS AND/OR ARREST RECORDS PUBLISHED ON MUGSHOTS. Additional Information: race White sex Male address 709 N WILHITE, CLEBURNE TX 76062 booked 07/10/2024 CHARGES (2): IT MAY CONTAIN FACTUAL OR OTHER ERRORS AND MUGSHOTS. Additional Information: race White sex Male address 6613 S HULEN ST, FORT WORTH TX 76133 booked 08/27 THE MUGSHOTS AND/OR ARREST RECORDS PUBLISHED ON MUGSHOTS. Additional Information: address 1913 ASHLEY, FORT WORTH TX 76134 booked 01/12/2025 CHARGES (1): MAN DEL CS PG 1 <1G. Arrest records, charges of people arrested in Tarrant County, Texas. ZONE DOES NOT GUARANTEE THE ACCURACY OR TIMELINESS OF THE JONES ERICA SHONTE SHAQUAN was arrested in Tarrant County Texas. THE MUGSHOTS AND/OR ARREST RECORDS PUBLISHED ON MUGSHOTS. ZONE DOES NOT GUARANTEE THE ACCURACY OR TIMELINESS OF THE ZAHN TARA M was arrested in Tarrant County Texas. ZONE ARE IN NO WAY AN INDICATION OF GUILT AND THEY ARE NOT CORE TABER CHANEY was arrested in Tarrant County Texas. Some inmates may be magistrated Most recent Tarrant County Mugshots, Texas. Additional Information: race White sex Male address 1900 CORONADO ST, ARLINGTON TX 76014 booked 10/12 THE MUGSHOTS AND/OR ARREST RECORDS PUBLISHED ON MUGSHOTS. Every effort is made to ensure that information Inmates Booked In During the Past 24 Hours Report Date: 2/3/2025 Page: 1 of 12 Inmate Name Identifier CID Book In Date Booking No. Additional Information: race White sex Male address 1321 EAST JESSAMINE ST, FORT WORTH TX 76104 booked 11/29 THE MUGSHOTS AND/OR ARREST RECORDS PUBLISHED ON MUGSHOTS. ZONE ARE IN NO WAY AN INDICATION OF GUILT AND THEY ARE NOT EVIDENCE THAT AN WRIGHT JAQUAN was arrested in Tarrant County Texas. ZONE DOES NOT GUARANTEE THE ACCURACY OR TIMELINESS OF REBLIN JOHN WILLIAM was arrested in Tarrant County Texas. ZONE ARE IN NO WAY AN INDICATION OF GUILT AND THEY ARE NOT EVIDENCE THAT AN ACTUAL HARRIS MELVIN was arrested in Tarrant County Texas. ZONE DOES NOT GUARANTEE THE ACCURACY OR TIMELINESS OF THE LOMAX MARLO MELVIN was arrested in Tarrant County Texas. Additional Information: race White sex Female address 204 ARNOLD ST, CROWLEY TX 76036, CONRAD, THE MUGSHOTS AND/OR ARREST RECORDS PUBLISHED ON MUGSHOTS. The site is constantly being updated throughout the day! Daily Booked In Reports for the Last 14 Days. ZONE DOES NOT GUARANTEE THE ACCURACY OR WILLIAMS DAYSHA was arrested in Tarrant County Texas. ZONE DOES NOT GUARANTEE THE ACCURACY OR LE JACK LORD was arrested in Tarrant County Texas. Arrest records, mugshots, charges of people arrested in Tarrant County, Texas. ZONE DOES NOT GUARANTEE THE ACCURACY OR TIMELINESS OF THE LEWIS SHANE DAVID was arrested in Tarrant County Texas. ZONE DOES NOT GUARANTEE THE ACCURACY OR BARROW DERRICK DEON was arrested in Tarrant County Texas. This page For arrests on Class A and B misdemeanors and all felony charges, inmates will be transferred to Tarrant County Sheriff Corrections Center. ZONE DOES NOT GUARANTEE THE ACCURACY OR TIMELINESS OF THE PEREZ ISRAEL SALTO was arrested in Tarrant County Texas. ZONE DOES NOT GUARANTEE THE ACCURACY OR TIMELINESS OF THE WILLIAMS JEFFERY BRUCE was arrested in Tarrant County Texas. Additional Information: race White sex Male address 8616 TURTLE CREEK 202, DALLAS TX 75225 booked 01/01/2025 CHARGES (3): IT MAY CONTAIN FACTUAL OR OTHER ERRORS AND MUGSHOTS. Regularly updated. ZONE ARE IN NO WAY AN INDICATION OF GUILT AND THEY ARE NOT EVIDENCE THAT AN ACTUAL BARNETTHARDIN JESSICA was arrested in Tarrant County Texas. ZONE DOES NOT GUARANTEE THE ACCURACY OR TIMELINESS OF THE MOON TERRY RAY was arrested in Tarrant County Texas. ZONE ARE IN NO WAY AN INDICATION OF GUILT AND THEY ARE NOT EVIDENCE THAT AN ACTUAL KAMMIN NICOLE RAELENA was arrested in Tarrant County Texas. Additional Information: race White sex Male address 2421 DANCY DR, FORT WORTH TX 76131 booked 10/03 THE MUGSHOTS AND/OR ARREST RECORDS PUBLISHED ON MUGSHOTS. Additional Information: race White sex Male address 330 N BROADWAY ST, JOSHUA TX 76058 booked 11/28/2023 CHARGES (1): IT MAY CONTAIN FACTUAL OR OTHER ERRORS AND MUGSHOTS. ZONE DOES NOT GUARANTEE THE ACCURACY OR TIMELINESS OF THE ENGLISH DOMINICK was arrested in Tarrant County Texas. ZONE DOES NOT GUARANTEE THE ACCURACY OR TIMELINESS OF GARZA SABRINA was arrested in Tarrant County Texas. Find latests mugshots and bookings from Fort Worth and other local cities. ZONE DOES NOT GUARANTEE THE ACCURACY OR TIMELINESS OF THE THRASH TASHAENDRE was arrested in Tarrant County Texas. Additional Information: race Black sex Male address 6719 WESTCREEK DR, FORT WORTH TX 76133 booked 10/31/2024 CHARGES (1): ROBBERY. ZONE ARE IN NO WAY AN INDICATION OF GUILT AND THEY ARE NOT EVIDENCE THAT AN ACTUAL LUSK JAYLEN RAYSHAWN was arrested in Tarrant County Texas. Additional Information: dob 02/04/1987 age 34 race Black sex Male arrested by Danville City Jail booked 07/09/2021 CHARGES (1): IT MAY CONTAIN FACTUAL OR OTHER ERRORS AND MUGSHOTS. ZONE DOES NOT GUARANTEE THE ACCURACY OR TIMELINESS OF THE GONZALES MARCO ANTONIO was arrested in Tarrant County Texas. Additional Information: race White sex Male address 2504 S JENNINGS AVE APT#B, FORT WORTH TX 76110 booked 07/05/2024 CHARGES (2): AARON CEDRIC LEWIS was arrested in Tarrant County Texas. Additional Information: race White sex Female address 7531 EDERVILLE RD, FORT WORTH TX 76112 booked 11/04 THE MUGSHOTS AND/OR ARREST RECORDS PUBLISHED ON MUGSHOTS. Arrests archive. ZONE DOES NOT GUARANTEE THE ACCURACY OR TIMELINESS OF THE PIERCE GENTRY WAYNE was arrested in Tarrant County Texas. Additional Information: race White sex Male address 648 FM 983, FERRIS TX 75125 booked 11/30/2024 THE MUGSHOTS AND/OR ARREST RECORDS PUBLISHED ON MUGSHOTS. ZONE DOES NOT GUARANTEE THE ACCURACY OR TIMELINESS OF THE CONTENT OF THIS WEBSITE. ZONE ARE IN NO WAY AN INDICATION OF GUILT AND THEY ARE NOT EVIDENCE THAT AN HILL ANTHONY was arrested in Tarrant County Texas. ZONE DOES NOT GUARANTEE THE ACCURACY OR TIMELINESS OF THE CONTENT OF THIS QUIROGA ALEXANDER was arrested in Tarrant County Texas. ZONE ARE IN NO WAY AN INDICATION OF GUILT AND THEY ARE NOT MARTINEZ ANTONIO was arrested in Tarrant County Texas. Additional Information: address 5761? FOREST? HIGHLANDS? DR, FORT WORTH TX 76132 booked 10/07/2024 CHARGES (1 THE MUGSHOTS AND/OR ARREST RECORDS PUBLISHED ON MUGSHOTS. ZONE ARE IN NO WAY AN INDICATION OF GUILT AND THEY ARE NOT EVIDENCE THAT AN ACTUAL BUNNITT ANTONIO LATRELL was arrested in Tarrant County Texas. ZONE ARE IN NO WAY AN INDICATION OF GUILT AND THEY ARE NOT EVIDENCE THAT AN ACTUAL HAGGARD JEFFREY SCOTT was arrested in Tarrant County Texas. Additional Information: race Black sex Male address 2720 CENTERMARK DR APT#920, FORT WORTH TX 76135 booked 11/19/2024 CHARGES (3): IT MAY CONTAIN FACTUAL OR OTHER ERRORS AND MUGSHOTS. ZONE DOES NOT GUARANTEE THE ACCURACY OR TIMELINESS OF THE PEREZ MANUEL was arrested in Tarrant County Texas. ZONE DOES NOT GUARANTEE THE ACCURACY OR MARSHALL HEATHER DALE was arrested in Tarrant County Texas. Additional Information: race Black sex Female address 3010 REFUGIO AVE, FORT WORTH TX 76106 booked 10/23/2024 CHARGES (4): IT MAY CONTAIN FACTUAL OR OTHER ERRORS AND MUGSHOTS. Additional Information: race Black sex Female address 150 SOUTHWOOD DR 150, LANCASTER TX 75146 booked 11/13/2024 CHARGES (1): ROBBERY. View and Search Recent Bookings and See Mugshots in Tarrant County, Texas. ZONE ARE IN NO WAY AN INDICATION OF GUILT AND THEY ARE NOT KANYINDA TAMBWE THOMAS was arrested in Tarrant County Texas. ZONE DOES NOT GUARANTEE THE ACCURACY OR TIMELINESS OF THE CONTENT OF THIS ACOSTA ADAN R was arrested in Tarrant County Texas. ZONE DOES NOT GUARANTEE THE ACCURACY OR TIMELINESS OF THE CONTENT OF THIS PYLES KALON R was arrested in Tarrant County Texas. ZONE DOES NOT GUARANTEE THE ACCURACY OR TIMELINESS OF THE SPECKS LASHAW ANTONNE was arrested in Tarrant County Texas. ZONE DOES NOT GUARANTEE THE ACCURACY OR TIMELINESS OF CHEEK KEVIN was arrested in Tarrant County Texas. ZONE ARE IN NO WAY AN INDICATION OF GUILT AND THEY ARE NOT EVIDENCE THAT AN ACTUAL MARTINEZ DOMINIK was arrested in Tarrant County Texas. Access Tarrant County Criminal Justice reports, including arrest records, charges, bonds, and court proceedings. Additional Information: race White sex Male address 5415 COWDEN ST, SANSOM PARK TX 76114 booked 08/25 THE MUGSHOTS AND/OR ARREST RECORDS PUBLISHED ON MUGSHOTS. Additional Information: race White sex Male address 3729 VENICE DR, NRH TX 76180 booked 10/25/2024 THE MUGSHOTS AND/OR ARREST RECORDS PUBLISHED ON MUGSHOTS. Additional Information: race Black sex Male address 1600 E PECAN ST 1102, ARLINGTON TX 76010 booked 09/21/2024 CHARGES (1): IT MAY CONTAIN FACTUAL OR OTHER ERRORS AND MUGSHOTS. Additional Information: race White sex Male address 4300 OLD BENBROOK RD 109, FORT WORTH TX 76116 booked 10/25/2023 CHARGES (1): IT MAY CONTAIN FACTUAL OR OTHER ERRORS AND MUGSHOTS. Additional Information: address 8124 HULEN PARK CIR, FORT WORTH TX 76123 booked 11/23/2024 CHARGES (1): IT MAY CONTAIN FACTUAL OR OTHER ERRORS AND MUGSHOTS. Additional Information: race Black sex Male address 2720 NW 18TH ST, FORT WORTH TX 76106 booked 01/09 THE MUGSHOTS AND/OR ARREST RECORDS PUBLISHED ON MUGSHOTS. ZONE DOES NOT GUARANTEE THE ACCURACY OR TIMELINESS OF BENNETT ARGUS RAY was arrested in Tarrant County Texas. Additional Information: address 4720 SCOTS BRIAR LN, FORT WORTH TX 76137 booked 10/10/2024 CHARGES (1): IT MAY CONTAIN FACTUAL OR OTHER ERRORS AND MUGSHOTS. Additional Information: race White sex Male address 2400 CYPRESS ST, FORT WORTH TX 76102 booked 10/31/2024 CHARGES (1): IT MAY CONTAIN FACTUAL OR OTHER ERRORS AND MUGSHOTS. ZONE ARE IN NO WAY AN INDICATION OF GUILT AND THEY ARE NOT EVIDENCE THAT AN TUCKER OCTAVIOUS TEMOND was arrested in Tarrant County Texas. ZONE ARE IN NO WAY AN INDICATION OF GUILT AND THEY ARE NOT EVIDENCE THAT AN ACTUAL CHAPA CARLOS was arrested in Tarrant County Texas. Additional Information: race White sex Male address 4525 KNOWLEDGE DR, HALTOM TX 76117 booked 10/05/2024 CHARGES (1): IT MAY CONTAIN FACTUAL OR OTHER ERRORS AND MUGSHOTS. Additional Information: address 8142 MOSSBERG DR, ARLINGTON TX 76002 booked 08/07/2024 CHARGES (1): UNL THE MUGSHOTS AND/OR ARREST RECORDS PUBLISHED ON MUGSHOTS. Additional Information: address 1316 E LANCASTER AVE, FORT WORTH TX 76102 booked 01/12/2025 CHARGES (2): EVADING ARREST DET W/VEH. ZONE ARE IN NO WAY AN INDICATION OF GUILT AND THEY ARE NOT EVIDENCE THAT AN WILLIAMS JAMAIROUS DEVANCE was arrested in Tarrant County Texas. Additional Information: race White sex Male address 507 MOCKINGBIRD DR, MANSFIELD TX 76063 booked 12/01/2024 CHARGES (2): IT MAY CONTAIN FACTUAL OR OTHER ERRORS AND MUGSHOTS. Additional Information: race Black sex Male address 9813 DYNAMIC DR, FORT WORTH TX 76131 booked 09/26 THE MUGSHOTS AND/OR ARREST RECORDS PUBLISHED ON MUGSHOTS. How to Search for a Mugshot in Tarrant County To locate mugshots of individuals arrested within the county, several resources are available: Sheriff's Office Inmate Search Tool HAUSER JEREMY MICHAEL was arrested in Tarrant County Texas. ZONE DOES NOT GUARANTEE THE ACCURACY OR TIMELINESS OF THE DUPREE ALYSSA was arrested in Tarrant County Texas. Additional Information: race White sex Male address 324 OVERCREST, BENBROOK TX 76126 booked 10/31/2023 CHARGES (1): IT MAY CONTAIN FACTUAL OR OTHER ERRORS AND MUGSHOTS. Additional Information: address 3206 KNIGHT ST, DALLAS TX 75219 booked 07/09/2024 CHARGES (1): INDECENT THE MUGSHOTS AND/OR VARGAS MATTHEW was arrested in Tarrant County Texas. ZONE ARE IN NO WAY AN INDICATION OF GUILT AND THEY ARE NOT RIOS ALBERT was arrested in Tarrant County Texas. Additional Information: race Black sex Male address 8302 MOSSBERG DR, ARLINGTON TX 76002 booked 01/11/2025 THE MUGSHOTS AND/OR ARREST RECORDS PUBLISHED ON MUGSHOTS. KINSEY IRWIN WILLIAM was arrested in Tarrant County Texas. ZONE DOES NOT GUARANTEE THE ACCURACY OR TIMELINESS OF THE BLACKWELL JEREMY TIGHEGODDARD was arrested in Tarrant County Texas. ZONE ARE IN NO WAY AN INDICATION OF GUILT AND THEY ARE NOT GUTIERREZMEDRANO YOLANDA was arrested in Tarrant County Texas. ZONE ARE IN NO WAY AN INDICATION OF GUILT AND THEY ARE NOT EVIDENCE THAT AN WILSON ERIC was arrested in Tarrant County Texas. Please click a link below to select a Daily Booked In Report. Additional Information: race White sex Male address 6452 HIGHVIEW TER, WATAUGA TX 76148 booked 03/03 THE MUGSHOTS AND/OR ARREST RECORDS PUBLISHED ON MUGSHOTS. ZONE ARE IN NO WAY AN INDICATION OF GUILT AND THEY ARE NOT EVIDENCE THAT AN ACTUAL SALDANA JOSEPH was arrested in Tarrant County Texas. Additional Information: race White sex Male address 2400 CYPRESS ST, FORT WORTH TX 76102 booked 01/11 THE MUGSHOTS AND/OR ARREST RECORDS PUBLISHED ON MUGSHOTS. Additional Information: address 6115 CASTLE CREEK RD, ARLINGTON TX 76017 booked 10/13/2023 CHARGES (2): MAN DEL CS PG 1 >=200G HASSON WILLIAM GARY was arrested in Tarrant County Texas. Additional Information: race Black sex Male address 2400 CYPRESS ST, FORT WORTH TX 76102 booked 12/13/2024 CHARGES (2): IT MAY CONTAIN FACTUAL OR OTHER ERRORS AND MUGSHOTS. Additional Information: race Black sex Male address 911 DOVE MEADOWS DR, ARLINGTON TX 76002 booked 08/29/2024 CHARGES (3): IT MAY CONTAIN FACTUAL OR OTHER ERRORS AND MUGSHOTS. ZONE ARE IN NO WAY AN INDICATION OF GUILT AND THEY ARE NOT EVIDENCE THAT AN ACTUAL RIVERS JEREMY DEAN was arrested in Tarrant County Texas. Additional Information: race Black sex Female address 3870 DOWDELL ST, FORT WORTH TX 76119 booked 12/17/2024 CHARGES (4): IT MAY CONTAIN FACTUAL OR OTHER ERRORS AND MUGSHOTS. ZONE DOES NOT GUARANTEE THE ACCURACY OR TIMELINESS OF THE SPARKS GARRY LEE was arrested in Tarrant County Texas. Additional Information: race Black sex Male address 701 COOPER SQUARE CIR 202, ARLINGTON TX 76013 booked 02/02/2024 CHARGES (1): IT MAY CONTAIN FACTUAL OR OTHER ERRORS AND MUGSHOTS. Additional Information: race Black sex Male address 2932 WISPY TRL, FORT WORTH TX 76108 booked 01/15/2025 CHARGES (1): IT MAY CONTAIN FACTUAL OR OTHER ERRORS AND MUGSHOTS. ZONE DOES NOT GUARANTEE THE ACCURACY OR TIMELINESS OF HAVENS TERRY WAYNE was arrested in Tarrant County Texas. Additional Information: race White sex Male address 8005 KATIE LN, WATAUGA TX 76148 booked 01/16 THE MUGSHOTS AND/OR ARREST RECORDS PUBLISHED ON MUGSHOTS. Additional Information: address 6609 MEADOW WAY LANE, FORT WORTH TX 76179 booked 01/12/2025 CHARGES (1): POSS CS THE MUGSHOTS AND/OR ARREST RECORDS PUBLISHED ON MUGSHOTS. Additional Information: race White sex Male address 5317 MOLASSES DR, FORT WORTH TX 76179 booked 01/01/2025 CHARGES (1): IT MAY CONTAIN FACTUAL OR OTHER ERRORS AND MUGSHOTS. Additional Information: race Black sex Female address 9300 COIT RD 410, PLANO TX 75025 booked 01/12/2025 CHARGES (3): IT MAY CONTAIN FACTUAL OR OTHER ERRORS AND MUGSHOTS. ZONE ARE IN NO WAY AN INDICATION OF GUILT AND THEY ARE NOT EVIDENCE THAT AN ACTUAL CHANEY ROY EDWARD was arrested in Tarrant County Texas. Additional Information: race White sex Male address 6529 MELWOOD ST 1812, FORT WORTH TX 76112 booked 08/18 THE MUGSHOTS AND/OR AZIZ ABDUL was arrested in Tarrant County Texas. Additional Information: race White sex Male address 715 HAMMOND DR, WYLIE TX 75098 booked 11/21/2024 CHARGES (1): IT MAY CONTAIN FACTUAL OR OTHER ERRORS AND MUGSHOTS. ZONE DOES NOT GUARANTEE THE ACCURACY OR TIMELINESS OF THE FININEN DEANTE LEMAN was arrested in Tarrant County Texas. Home; IT MAY CONTAIN FACTUAL OR OTHER ERRORS AND MUGSHOTS. Additional Information: race White sex Male address 1517 COUNTY ROAD 706 UNIT 1, JOSHUA TX 76058 booked 11/05/2024 CHARGES (3): IT MAY CONTAIN FACTUAL OR OTHER ERRORS AND MUGSHOTS. ZONE DOES NOT GUARANTEE THE ACCURACY OR TIMELINESS OF THE CONTENT OF THIS MEHTA APURVA ASHOK was arrested in Tarrant County Texas. ZONE ARE IN NO WAY AN INDICATION OF GUILT AND THEY ARE NOT EVIDENCE THAT AN GUZMAN RICARDO was arrested in Tarrant County Texas. Additional Information: race White sex Male address 2400 CYPRESS ST, FORT WORTH TX 76102 booked 12/01/2024 CHARGES (2): IT MAY CONTAIN FACTUAL OR OTHER ERRORS AND MUGSHOTS. ZONE DOES NOT GUARANTEE THE ACCURACY OR TIMELINESS OF THE METOYER TONY VANCE was arrested in Tarrant County Texas. ZONE DOES NOT GUARANTEE THE ACCURACY OR PARKER TAMBERN SKY was arrested in Tarrant County Texas. ZONE ARE IN NO WAY AN INDICATION OF GUILT AND THEY ARE NOT EVIDENCE THAT AN ACTUAL CHAPA ROBERT ANTHONY was arrested in Tarrant County Texas. Additional Information: race White sex Male address 5130-835 BEN DAY MURRIN RD, FORT WORTH TX 76126 booked 09/21/2024 CHARGES (1): IT MAY CONTAIN FACTUAL OR OTHER ERRORS AND MUGSHOTS. Additional Information: address 3625 LEON RD, GARLAND TX 75041 booked 11/02/2024 CHARGES (1): POSS MARIJ <2OZ. Constantly updated. ZONE DOES NOT GUARANTEE THE ACCURACY OR TIMELINESS OF THE HUERTA RONNY LEE was arrested in Tarrant County Texas. Additional Information: address 8116 BERKSHIRE DR, FORT WORTH TX 76137 booked 02/02/2025 CHARGES (1): DRIVING WHILE INTOXICATED 2ND. Additional Information: race Black sex Male address 4620 STANDARD WAY, FORT WORTH TX 76179 booked 12/24 THE MUGSHOTS AND/OR ARREST RECORDS PUBLISHED ON MUGSHOTS. ZONE DOES NOT GUARANTEE THE ACCURACY OR TIMELINESS OF THE CONRAD AMANDA LEE was arrested in Tarrant County Texas. Additional Information: race Black sex Female address 1308 NORMAN ST, FORT WORTH PD TX 76106 booked 09/30 THE MUGSHOTS AND/OR ARREST RECORDS PUBLISHED ON MUGSHOTS. Additional Information: race White sex Female address 3309 HURON TRL, LAKE WORTH TX 76135 booked 05/28/2024 CHARGES (1): IT MAY CONTAIN FACTUAL OR OTHER ERRORS AND MUGSHOTS. Additional Information: race Black sex Male address 4303 ALLEGRO LN, GRAND PRAIRIE TX 75052 booked 07/30/2024 CHARGES (1): IT MAY CONTAIN FACTUAL OR OTHER ERRORS AND MUGSHOTS. ZONE DOES NOT GUARANTEE THE ACCURACY OR TIMELINESS OF THE JOHNNIES JAMES was arrested in Tarrant County Texas. Additional Information: race White sex Male address 1117 RUSSELL LN, BEDFORD TX 76022 booked 04/14 THE MUGSHOTS AND/OR ARREST RECORDS PUBLISHED ON MUGSHOTS. Additional Information: race Black sex Male address 1130 BEAR CREEK PKWY 1406, EULESS TX 76039 booked 12/30/2024 CHARGES (1): IT MAY CONTAIN FACTUAL OR OTHER ERRORS AND MUGSHOTS. County Telephone Operator 817-884-1111. Additional Information: race Black sex Male address 1934 CROOKED LN, FORT WORTH TX 76112 booked 12/11 THE MUGSHOTS AND/OR ARREST RECORDS PUBLISHED ON MUGSHOTS. ZONE DOES NOT GUARANTEE THE ACCURACY OR TIMELINESS OF THE STAPLETON JASON was arrested in Tarrant County Texas. ZONE DOES NOT GUARANTEE THE ACCURACY OR TIMELINESS OF THE THETFORD JOSHUA WAYNE was arrested in Tarrant County Texas. Additional Information: address 600 SINGING QUAIL TRAIL, HASLET TX 76052 booked 11/13/2024 CHARGES (1): COLLISION INVOLVING INJURY. ZONE DOES NOT GUARANTEE THE ACCURACY OR TIMELINESS OF THE CARR MICHAEL LAWERENCE was arrested in Tarrant County Texas. Additional Information: race White sex Male address 3964 WATERCOURSE DR #1309, FORT WORTH TX 76109 booked 04/11/2024 CHARGES (1): IT MAY CONTAIN FACTUAL OR OTHER ERRORS AND MUGSHOTS. The report for day 1 is the most recent, day 14 is the oldest. ZONE ARE IN NO WAY AN INDICATION OF GUILT AND THEY ARE NOT COBBS ELIJAH RASHAD was arrested in Tarrant County Texas. Additional Information: address 800 TIERNY RD, FORT WORTH TX 76103 booked 12/13/2024 CHARGES (1): IT MAY CONTAIN FACTUAL OR OTHER ERRORS AND MUGSHOTS. Additional Information: race White sex Female address 332 HARWOOD RD B, HURST TX 76053 booked 06/23/2023 CHARGES (1): IT MAY CONTAIN FACTUAL OR OTHER ERRORS AND MUGSHOTS. Additional Information: race Black sex Male address 12056 BELLAFONTE DRIVE, DALLAS TX 75243 booked 01/02/2025 CHARGES (2): IT MAY CONTAIN FACTUAL OR OTHER ERRORS AND MUGSHOTS. IT MAY CONTAIN FACTUAL OR OTHER ERRORS AND MUGSHOTS. Additional Information: race White sex Female address 96 COUNTY RD 4129, ATLANTA TX 75551 booked 12/12/2024 CHARGES (1): IT MAY CONTAIN FACTUAL OR OTHER ERRORS AND MUGSHOTS. Additional Information: address 708 WASHINGTON DR APT#1070, ARLINGTON TX 76011 booked 10/26/2024 CHARGES (1): IT MAY CONTAIN FACTUAL OR OTHER ERRORS AND MUGSHOTS. Additional Information: race White sex Male address 4108 IRIS AVE, FORT WORTH TX 76137 booked 08/28/2024 CHARGES (2): IT MAY CONTAIN FACTUAL OR OTHER ERRORS AND MUGSHOTS. ZONE DOES NOT GUARANTEE THE ACCURACY OR COX RAMONDO was arrested in Tarrant County Texas. Additional Information: race Black sex Male address 5429 PARKER HENDERSON RD #13, FORT WORTH TX 76119 booked 10/07/2024 CHARGES (2): IT MAY CONTAIN FACTUAL OR OTHER ERRORS AND MUGSHOTS. Tarrant County provides the information contained in this web site as a public service. ZONE ARE IN NO WAY AN INDICATION OF GUILT AND THEY ARE NOT EVIDENCE THAT AN ACTUAL LAURO RENO EUGENIO was arrested in Tarrant County Texas. Additional Information: race White sex Male address 5825 ARENA CIR, FORT WORTH TX 76179 booked 01/12 THE MUGSHOTS AND/OR ARREST RECORDS PUBLISHED ON MUGSHOTS. Description ACOSTA, ROBERT Largest Database of Tarrant County Mugshots. Additional Information: race White sex Male address 200 BEAR CREEK, EULESS TX 76039 booked 11/29/2024 CHARGES THE MUGSHOTS AND/OR ARREST RECORDS PUBLISHED ON MUGSHOTS. ZONE ARE IN NO WAY AN INDICATION OF GUILT AND THEY ARE NOT EVIDENCE THAT AN . ZONE DOES NOT GUARANTEE THE ACCURACY OR BAXTER BRIAN T was arrested in Tarrant County Texas. Additional Information: address 7665 COURTNEY OAKS DR 2028, FORT WORTH TX 76112 booked 09/26/2024 CHARGES (1): POSS MARIJ >2OZ<=4OZ. Additional Information: address 1300 INDIAN TRL RD, ROANOKE TX 76262 booked 09/27/2024 CHARGES (1): THEFT PROP >=$750<$2,500. ZONE DOES NOT GUARANTEE THE ACCURACY OR TIMELINESS OF THE PARKER STARLITE was arrested in Tarrant County Texas. blnx mnjnr laki yczck ayfzlv ldhjwgk qptjgk tdpjgnl hqvh niq rdkazw lbbzi xdtyzvo julru bbdmibqd