Atari 8 bit font copy and paste. which makes the mode full-screen).

Atari 8 bit font copy and paste sk/atari/moje. Sep 12, 2006 路 I just tried "International Karate", the dual ATARI and C64 version on my 130 XE and it just gave me a "load error" when I used one of my 2 Speedy-enhanced 1050 floppies. Sep 20, 2004 路 Although I don't think there is some great secret, giant Atari 8 Bit software industry that a modern day mugger is going to topple. [ 2 ] 馃あ馃ぎ馃馃徏‍馃帳馃馃徏馃┎馃Г馃┍馃獤馃惛馃馃悽馃馃馃悕馃悐馃馃馃悏馃惒馃尩馃巹馃尣馃尦馃尨馃尡馃尶鈽橈笍馃崁馃帊馃馃帇馃崈馃崗馃崘馃崍馃馃 Feb 8, 2021 路 Can anyone do a semi complete text/font with an editor to make all the alphabet and numbers match the ones at the bottom of the screen in Star Raiders? I would like to burn into an eprom/hack and put it into my 400 computer so that ALL the text on the top part of the screen matches the bottom! Th Dec 7, 2024 路 Good to know. Regardless, the list contains approximat Jul 21, 2012 路 I am looking for a tool which will do the following: 1) Will either import or help me create a font (in graphics mode 12 / antic 4). I guess they didn't expect people to copy/paste this into their emulators 30+ years later. Oct 8, 2024 路 Hey guys I went searching on Atari age but couldn't find a copy of beef drop. Lines 25 to 35 copy over the data from Rom memory to Ramand lines 40 to 50 zero out the heart bitmap. Dec 6, 2018 路 Press Start 2P is a bitmap font based on the font design from 1980s Namco arcade games. are parsed and converted to ATASCII text files. 5 but I haven't messed around with the program itself beyond booting to the title screen/main menu. Altirra lets you copy-and-paste text directly into and out of the emulated Atari screen (E: device) if you want to use modern tools to write your code on the host platform and then just paste it into the Atari at the end, but I don't like doing it that way -- feels like cheating, LOL! Mar 29, 2024 路 As per the SpartaDOS X manual, the copy command has a recursive switch: COPY /R A:\TEST B:\ This would copy all directories and files under and including the A:\TEST directory, into the root directory of b: drive. The font replaces the hi-res font in the Atari version. The best way to go is to get a Happy 1050 upgrade. Nice. Choose character from the Atari character set as player image data: T: Temporarily save image data of selected player for copying to another player: Control - T: Copy/paste temporarily saved image data to selected player: N: Move selected player around the screen with joystick to determine new x and y coordinates : Control - N Feb 20, 2019 路 Modern fonts use a system called hinting to improve the look of fonts on screen, this actually changes the fonts, consequently the font you can download now is not the same font as the font we used to use with rub down transfers back in the day. What development notes do you have on the game? Edited January 10 by MrFish Jan 8, 2015 路 Looking for the Black text of the blurb describing the game as well as the font for the game title on the side of the box. Tks Ron Feb 23, 2020 路 That one's extremely close, too. Feb 9, 2003 路 The Atari Dos menu normally does not contain this method of copying, but there are a few Dos versions that can (like Dos 2. Nov 22, 2007 路 So, whenever I want to copy a disk, I use a sector copier, to copy multiple files I use a multi-file-copier (or a file-manager), to load graphic files I use graphic viewers, for sound files I use sound players, etc. ATR files, so when they will get damaged i could re-write them. S. Oct 31, 2018 路 I have a few Atari 8-bit 5 1/4" floppy disks that I would like to attempt to transfer the data from and convert to . To copy from an emulated drive to a real drive, find any number of sector copy programs out there, which will copy from drive to drive, ie emulated D1: to real 1050 set to D2: Dec 14, 2021 路 × Pasted as rich text. Apr 24, 2001 路 (For the uninitiated, these are TrueType fonts for Macs or PCs which emulate the ATASCII characters set from the 8-bit Ataris making it possible to view and print Atari text files on modern computers. I've also edited the. The standard font is ok, but gets ugly when it gets enlarged in other graphic modes. Character mapped graphics can make some things easier because fixing the screen may just involve putting some original characters back. Apr 7, 2007 路 It makes almost wish the Atari 8-bits just used standard cassette recorders like the ZX81 or the Starpath Supercharger for the 2600, etc. The different text fonts are all a part of the Unicode standard which means that they're not like normal fonts. Jan 17, 2021 路 They're completely free to use in games or demos and currently over 150 typefaces and almost 300 fonts. I'm especially looking for something like Gothic, historic font, but readability over decoration. I have one and adapters for the Intellivision, 2600, 7800, 8-bit, Colecovision, C64 and Master System. The device number specifies the base directory to be used and if the text conversion is applied: · H1: - H4: – directories #1-#4, no conversion · H5: – current directory, text conversion applied · H6: - H9: – directories #1-#4, text conversion Oct 8, 2018 路 I, instead, got my hands on most of the typed in programs. 2 and make a . I currently have no Atari hardware. I wonder if there's some kind of copy protection on the disk? I just did a straight "duplicate disk" out of Atari DOS 2. Cut & Paste is a word processor published in 1984 for the Apple II, Atari 8-bit computers, Commodore 64, IBM PC compatibles, and IBM PCjr. Actually, I think a better, much quicker way would be to use Bob Puff's. Since the I/O is just standard mic and headphone jacks, CD players can be used with those systems, at least to load software. Aug 29, 2007 路 Yes, the Atari. ZIP and May 25, 2018 路 800XL --> 1050 --> SIO2PC-USB Set your real 1050 and PC software to use different drive numbers depending on where you want to boot from. 0S to copy some files from the h1: drive to the d2: drive. I think they replicate pixels for the 40-column modes. Or does a Template exists for this? If other templetes for newer cartridges are out there please help/post too here I first measured the dimensions: 58m Dec 22, 2015 路 I'm trying to do the same with my A8, though I'm fighting with print drive issues at the moment (See the link in Kyle22's post). I can write BASIC/Assm programs in my Windows text editor than paste them into Altirra. I tried identifont. Copy _U. 5. BAS,D2:TEST. Same with "Ballblazer" on disk. Make sure that an Atari Basic cartridge is inserted in your computer. . 32-bit (x86), 64-bit (x64), and ARM64 versions available. Disk communicator 3. My plan is to connect an Atari 8-bit disk drive to a PC and read the data in with a Windows application. fon file to display files using the Atari 8-bit font and also lets you convert between the common end-of-line characters. From what I remember it had a white Graphics (1)17 screen you left a trail of wall behind you and had to try and not brick yourself into a corner, was quite Feb 10, 2011 路 For what its worth, here is a copy of my list. It's possible the company making the keycaps was the same across the board (creating the tooling to fabricate those keys is not Feb 25, 2010 路 On the Atari 8-bit we were at a disadvantage since the drive used ROM-based firmware that could not easily be changed to support sophisticated copy routines. Feb 26, 2010 路 Atari 8-Bit Computers ; Universal RAM COPY IGNORED Universal RAM COPY. 64 or 96 characters. 3. I tried WordStar on my Indus CP/M system. But when I load and set the font I'm having issues. Mar 1, 2019 路 If you are trying to copy protected original disk. These files. Save on quit - option or question about it. Max block size is 4 KB V - Paste from clipboard to the cursor position. So for the game Pole Position the font used for that on the side. It looks like a lot of fun. Oct 11, 2013 路 instead of start & end sectors of 'Partial copy'. I especially like it's ability to paste text straight into the edit window. - Added support for reading tokenized Atari BASIC files. May 11, 2013 路 Here's a copy of Rev. Then position cursor to the end of a block. 3 and Atari DOS 2. 15 or a related mode (any "antic 4" character editor will do fine). 5F)as well as other disk copy programs (like Scanalyzer). the Atari ST color (low/med res) and monochrome (high res) fonts. I've played with 'Atari VAPI', which runs the . The builtin 40 column driver has blank scanlines between the mode 2 lines to avoid ascenders and descenders touching each other. I used a checksum to weed out duplicates, but multiple versions are listed. Dec 12, 2017 路 Attached is an RPM test file in . 2. One thing I'm noticing is that there are a good number of keyboards from that era that use very nearly the same keyboard font, with maybe one or two differences. The special thing about it: Not only does Steve provide PNG shots of the respective fonts, but he also compiled each font as a TrueType file in his GitHub repo for you to use. By w1k February 26, 2010 Oct 11, 2022 路 Hey gang, I am looking for a more legible copy of the Atari 800 service manual ( from AtariMania ), page 2-10 in the manual, page 50 in the PDF file. [)amien. cas format in there. Then copy the edited PNG files and paste them as a new layer onto the template, using the resize/reposition options to place them exactly where you want them. What if I just want the destination filename to remain the same as the source An 8x8 pixel font based on Atari ASCII and Atari ST characters. Copy_ by E. For Multi-File-Copy I usually use filecopy programs in ML so I gain highest speed and max. Press CTRL+C again. So, good news - it's already been preserved, it just hasn't made it onto AtariMania yet! Check that thread for the latest download release that should include it. Jun 21, 2013 路 Ctrl+c, Ctrl+v - copy&paste of current char. Sep 20, 2018 路 I'm looking for some fonts for my project. I tried renaming a . Nice! Also, I was also able to make a custom Atari 5200 rom-os with the custom font, Aug 24, 2019 路 Last Word is the last word in any 8-bit word processing system. Jan 13, 2020 路 C Copy - Copy to clipboard. Not impressed to say the least. It also allows for copy/paste operations in the Jan 30, 2014 路 Does anyone know what font is used in the old Atari manuals? The Star Raiders manual gives a good example of it, but the Invitation to Programming series probably uses it more completely. The characters $, &, <, and > are 7 pixels tall. May 5, 2023 路 John Hardie just discovered a new version of Atari's Macro Assembler and Program-Text Editor. Paste as plain text instead. You could, if you had a hard drive, copy the disk sectors to a file, then copy the file to a disk. Import font BMP - usable when there is an export button. fon font supports the atari graphic characters and even supports all the characters in reverse video. Dec 8, 2022 路 Try a) Control-1 to pause a listing in Atari Basic and TB XL or b) the Start key in TB XL to slow down the listing. Native Windows UI with theme support, per-monitor high DPI support, file associations, drag and drop, copy/paste, and DirectInput/XInput controllers. I'd love to hear/see some used in any indie Atari 8-bit games. Apr 28, 2009 路 I Used to play this one loads, think it was on a disk that bit the dust many moons ago it was a fun basic game called Bricky or Briky. "interlace" mode - a Sep 17, 2019 路 Note that in the Atari 8-bit, BASIC is only included in the newer XL/XE models, and there you need to boot without any key pressed to actually load the interpreter. Is there some place with public domain Atari fonts ? I mean the standard fonts, 8x8, ATASCII encoding. This usually involves saving the data under the sprite. ATX files are images of copy protected disks, sorta like Atarimax . US Copy used to be a big favorite. Dec 5, 2017 路 Hello, I have just bought an SIO2SD device because the floppy with my favorite games got damaged. PDFs are OCR'ed for text searches. Scribe. Atari 8-Bit Computers ; Easy ways to copy XEX onto ATR Theme . I have generated some (387) Truetype fonts from original bitmaps from Atari 8-Bit computers. Atari’s character set magic provides considerable bang for the buck allowing even slow BASIC programs to achieve graphics movement approximating animation. (It's Turbo Basic XL if that mat Feb 16, 2024 路 It's a great product. Some letter look too much like other letters. The following code just freezes or hangs the emulator I'm using. I think they are 8*8, 8*14, 8*16 and probably some others. ATR disk from the dis Jan 6, 2014 路 But there's a loophole - Atari800 provides a H: device, which can be used to copy the files even with a modified DOS. 2) Will then allow me to build individual tiles (4x4 in my case). Another question: will running a utility off the UnoCart prevent m Aug 2, 2020 路 Take the text PNG files and load them into PSP with the template I gave you. If you just need "plain vanilla," then several others will do fine. Jan 8, 2025 路 Maybe the game was handed off to the 8-bit computer side before the glitch was caught by the 5200 programmer(s); and then the fix/information never got carried over to the 8-bit side. So far so good. Use "print screen" or "save image" to capture the image. There's also a loadable 80 columns driver I wrote specifically for CP/M. This font was inspired by font in the 8-bit line of Atari computers, but with expanded characters, to support all Western European languages, and more symbols, taken from the ST line charset. May 18, 2020 路 Actually, having written all that I just checked a recent list of "verified" software in the Atari 8-Bit preservation initiave, and the Gorf disk is on the list. RAM available on screen. 02 May 1983 Atari 400/800 schematics. It's not the whole manual. com and it wasn't in either place. Nov 16, 2013 路 I'm completely puzzled with the Atari800 emulator. Ripped by hackers lost to the mists of time. Last Word + SDX + 1MB system is killer. html ? I only get a 404. Plotter Bold. I dont know if back and side use same font, they do look similar. It was part of the Book with Software ( I lost the the disk) I found it quite useful in the back days. ATX file to . I don't have dates for any of them, and since programs will often be in both categories, there is some duplication. The only obvious difference is the '1'. A glyphs reference chart is included in the demo folder. ZX Baveuse. Perhaps you need permission to use them. Or any 8x8 font, reorganizing is not big deal. zx - ZX Spectrum ROM fonts, zx-origins, and other fonts. May 19, 2009 路 There's some fonts built into ROM on CGA/EGA/VGA cards. LST format. I created some map/font in EnvisionPC for use in a possible game. Dec 25, 2007 路 The Atari font does not have any space to eliminate without changing some characters and the over all look of the font. Apr 21, 2006 路 The cart would also feature a USB port and an atari to pc prgram to that you can access atari images like ATR's/Xfd's etc and binary files (exe/com/xex files) directly from the pc/mac etc without the need for an sio-ide/pc device, and the ability to convert directly between atari-pc files and visa versa Mar 9, 2005 路 There is a nice title page that I hadnt seen before and an updated font (though that might have been in the last beta release) Great job Ken - look forward to your next April Fools joke I had my copy for a week now and just got some time to play that is Awesome! Atari FontMaker is a Windows tool used for creating and editing Atari 8-bit/5200 fonts and font-based graphics. Press CTRL+C. Aug 12, 2008 路 1. It's difficult to read the CPU J101 / Test Point lines. Jan 16, 2005 路 Has anyone been able to get a copy from http://www. Insert the program cassette in the program recorder. amount of RAM, with Basic you are most of the time limited to 32kbytes or less. ) Mark Simonson Mar 13, 2018 路 Hi I want to make some custom Labels and need help to find the right Fonts /Colors/Graphics used for the first generation of Atari 8-Bit Labels. PRO images. graphics), but not to look like the arcade font, since it's too low-res to do. But if you wanted one for multiple systems it's excellent. I just happened to see a YouTube video about it I didn't even know it existed until today. So go ahead, rape that horse. Only 75 emoji are allowed. If there are any issues, let me know. Jan 13, 2005 路 Incorrect. It also emulates, ever so slightly, more programs than A800 or A800win. Thank you. Most emulators boot with the OPTION key pressed to deactivate BASIC, you need to inhibit that - it is an option. However, I wanted to try the disk emulation as well. These were created by very very talented people many many years ago. Will post the whole thing on Atarimania as well as many other field service manuals I just got in a 8-inch high lot from eBay. Sep 1, 2014 路 I thought . webpark. I've done the same with Print Shop Pro on my 286 for years -- the PC version with my panasonic Kx-p2123 gets me beautiful color banners:) -- at this point people find the nostalgia entertaining as this stuff sort of slowly fell out of the public conciousness slowly. - none of these things is loaded from within a GUI by me, they are always loaded from a DOS or gamedos. You may also want to try my Memo Pad application for Windows. Sep 12, 2002 路 The only way to view a programed saved in Atari Basic is on a real machine or in an emulator. The ^, &, m, M are all 7 pixels wide and the #, *, _ characters are 8 pixels wide. as Text, Binary Looking for Atari fonts? Click to find the best 20 free fonts in the Atari style. In the next few weeks, I will finally get to run it via VBXE. Mar 7, 2003 路 Atari 8-Bit Computers ; 8bit font and Tech info IGNORED 8bit font and Tech info × Pasted as rich text. Oct 1, 2018 路 This font collection is insane compared to my paltry collections back in the day! In the spirit like the old Print Shop image preview printouts for all the official and PD clipart disks, I took all the preview bitmaps and made a nice printable catalogue you can have handy for reference. pc - IBM PC and compatibles CGA/MGA/EGA/VGA ROM fonts (only 8x8). - Added "Open as" option to the Open file dialog. It uses the same Atari. Wizard's Crown Eternal Dagger Jan 5, 2024 路 In user area 1 there are two Atari specific programs. Here's a few sample screenshots of the Atari FNT files: Inkstamp. Jun 9, 2020 路 I need a disk image compatible with my Uno cart that will allow me to verify Atari 800 disks, copy disks, and format disks. There were a number of copy programs that held parameters to many types of copy protection schemes and even parameters to specific popular titlestho not as many as similar programs for the Apple or C64 (I used to use a program called "Backup Master" that was updated occasionally). Reuss is by far my favorite copying program, despite the fact that you can't check the directory of a disk. This method of duplication ignores the file directory completelyand copies each sector to the target disk (there are 720 sectors on a 88k single-density disk). Nov 16, 2018 路 A simple hack to incorporate the original arcade font into the Atari version. 1-5 - colors [ ] - previous, next char. But, I should probably explain a little about the code that follows. BAS This works fine, but it requires me to retype the filename. But, if you save a program using the List statement you can then view it in a text editor on your PC or Mac. 0E" label was unearthed and dumped recently: Mar 2, 2014 路 I got it all set up with an old IBM drive that I cleaned up and it is working perfectly. It's been dead for decades, no one cares anymore. ATX images. Feb 19, 2015 路 I found this at Atari Archives: "U. If you really want to get into it, Google things like FM, MFM, and GCR (Wikipedia has good info on them too). I made a custom rom with the rev-a os, fast math routines, and a "computer" font. AtariAge (Default Oct 13, 2021 路 I'm returning to Atari 8-bit programming for the first time in probably 35 years. I have a question - is it possible to copy my real disks to . Collection of very old 8x8 fonts. Files can be opened. Feb 17, 2004 路 Does anyone have a MP3 (cleaned up or not) of the music that played when States and Capitals was loading? Preferably from the second side, where the voice over was left out Jun 12, 2009 路 "The H: ('Hard Disk') device gives access to every file on your PC to every Atari program. 8) offers quite a few options. Mar 18, 2022 路 I'm not sure this anecdote had any connection to reality at all or was merely a tall tale that grew taller with every retelling, or even which platform this maliceware was even for, but apparently this guy developed and sold a program with a copy protection key disk that had to be in Drive 1 at all times, so you had to have at least a second Aug 14, 2003 路 On the Atari 8-bit the best method would probably be to use hardware scrolling, and use fast methods of drawing, then removing the sprites. more than 2 fonts editable at the same time. Altirra is designed with emulation quality in mind, sometimes over speed and polish. Contribute to ivop/8x8-fonts development by creating an account on GitHub. While all releases found so far were "V1. Dec 19, 2013 路 I'm using Altirra 2. Sometimes I really This text font generator allows you to convert normal text into different text fonts that you can copy and paste into Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Twitch, YouTube, Tumblr, Reddit and most other places on the internet. I didn't realize until looking closer at fonts that the reason the C64 screens look more "slim and vertical" is because the system font is 7 pixels tall instead of 6. 0A" editions, a "Company Confidential" disk with a hand-written "V1. States and Capitals is probably archived in . ATR or any other format that the modern Atari emulators that exist today can understand. ComDisk I looked both at atarimania and a8preservation. It seems to be the copy-protection. Create a new document in Photoshop, and copy/paste the text from this document over to your drawing/picture. l, r,u, d - shift <,> - rol, ror 2. img files of my original Atari 8-bit Bruce Lee disk in less than a minute and a half! I couldn't wait to put in a blank disk and see if it could write a working copy of the disk, protection and all. Position cursor the the beginning of a block. Before you begin. Unfortunately the first nine issues were never put on disk. So I created a blank . Use an Atari based program in an emulator to type your text in gr. 8 (which is really Copymate XE 3. Every font is free to download! A whole collection of ATARI fonts has been thoughtfully compiled by Steve Boswell. Nov 13, 2020 路 I've looked through some of these and Copymate 3. It will then run we have 2 Happy 810 and a Rana 1000 stock, so maybe not better than 1050. 4. Like most computer magazines back in the day, Antic published their magazine listings on disk as well, to save people the time of typing them in. The lower case letters g, j, p, q, and y, comma and semi-colon use pixels below the baseline. that. com and it suggested either "Zapf Humanist 601" or "Optima Nova", both of which look prett Mar 15, 2015 路 I have a Compute disc with a bunch of different fonts for the Atari 8-bits. Dec 22, 2024 路 Finally starting to dig through a huge 8 bit software collection, I found a couple of disks: Hookterm XL Hooknet Base I HookCo. Technically there are better flashcarts for the Atari Systems and C64 but there isn't much i haven't gotten to work on the Jan 2, 2005 路 This site has several mirrors to other popular Atari FTP sites. That being said the only copies I found were on eBay and the price was a little ridiculous (over $10 Apr 26, 2010 路 Manuals can be viewed online, or entire PDFs downloaded (registration is required though). Apr 20, 2005 路 He told me that Atari PAL and NTSC colors are actually a little bit different. I would suggest looking for the TOSEC directories in one of the mirrors/collections directories. It is one of the few productivity releases from game developer and publisher Electronic Arts , along with the contemporaneous Financial Cookbook . Works fine with my not-enhanced XF551. Aug 25, 2024 路 Little Malio display font is inspired by old-school video games with its pixelated and block letters. One to change the 40 column font (setfnt and a few example fonts) to get proper {}~ etc. The atari 8 but muggers of old already toppled the giant atari 8 bit software industry long ago. Then use PSP's "erase background" option on the PNG titles to leave just the text. I've written a Basic program and can successfully save it to cassette by using the CSAVE command, and CLOAD for loading respectively. Dec 27, 2019 路 I took a break from scanning Atari 8-bit stuff for a bit and went back to one of my other Atari projects I wanted to do. Basically I need to create a few known good single density disks for an archival project I am involved in. I was so excited to watch it produce raw stream and . Sep 8, 2006 路 From my program recorder manual: 1. Nov 5, 2004 路 Because the Atari OS will push the graphics area to the highest memory location that it "sees", you should call the GRAPHICS command directly after (I also added 16 to itwhich makes the mode full-screen). Aug 1, 2014 路 My favorite Atari 8-bit feature is redefined character sets, because it is fairly simple to utilize and so readily fit into my tiny brain. As you might know, PAL stands for "phase alternating line" - the color phase is shifted by 180° every other line. Antic E font (on the end-level info screens only, not the in-level game. My Atari is an 800 XL and my disk drive is 1050. It's not 100% perfect for all systems. It doesn't always sense dual density on the XF551 drive, but it does on the May 12, 2010 路 Because the firmware in the Atari drives determines what can be read and written, there is no way to copy non-standard formats (like protected disks) without a drive modification. The problem is that stupid dot matrix font they decided to use. For debugging purposes, it is compiled into a development XL/XE kernel. Edited January 22, 2020 by baktra Oct 21, 2007 路 - Added support for the Atari 8-Bit International and Arabic fonts and. Mar 26, 2012 路 Lots of features and a good emulation. But Atari didn't manage to build a perfect 180° phase shift into the PAL GTIA. (not write protect but copy protection) You can still do the disk wizard copy but will need to do a further step and use chipmunk or some other protection defeating software to modify the resulting copy. To get a replacement font band, you may try to order a custom flexographic plate, or just ask at inking stamp shop. Collected by archivists for future generations, now massaged by me. The code that follows is a little "rough". DCM of the disk you want to copy and unDCM it to where you want it. Needed to keep it under 25MB. Although the design of uppercase letters and digits dates back to Atari's "Sprint" (1977), the specific glyph forms in this TrueType conversion are based on those from "Return of Ishtar" (1986), one of the first games to include and regularly use lowercase Looking for 8 Bit Atari fonts? Click to find the best 7 free fonts in the 8 Bit Atari style. Let this font take you back a few years and may you reminisce over some memories in your next design. 256 characters. At a later time, it will be on a ROM chip on Jan 13, 2017 路 "Durability of [rubber] band with fonts is limited, so after more than 30 years (actual age of this equipment) it hardens, becomes brittle and breaks making the printer unusable. Sep 4, 2023 路 Hello, I am working on a RAM Disk card and have a couple questions. For copy it could be nice to see what is stored. Here's what I'm doing: 1) Choose C 2) H1:TEST. Every font is free to download! Feb 28, 2025 路 I've always found it interesting to see the similarities and differences between the classic Atari 8-bit machines and the C64. Key features are that it works properly with my RAMBO upgrade and shows the. So we can copy the files from the disk to H:, and then reboot with a normal DOS and copy the files back from H: to a normally-formatted disk. tivxc rlfo evxpt jaywo ichi pklayvxz jwqy ghear sjlp egvfag davck tskv wlgdisli zrwty lrj