Ece 341 uic reddit. Students, Alumni, Faculty, and Townies are all welcome.
Ece 341 uic reddit 322 is probably the hardest out of all these classes and your schedule is already stacked which isn't going to help. He normally teaches ECE 350, 317, 341. It's a great first dive into "what the heck does all this do" coding, wh No idea about the credit conversion, check in the ECE advising office in everitt. The number one thing about the class is that it is many people's first time dealing with enormous codebases, much of which you didn't write. Overall good college. The Reddit Law School Admissions Forum. The average CS major would absolutely SMOKE an ECE major at systems programming, because their version of the class has conceptually harder stuff. Content wise there is almost no overlap, ECE 341 is essentially a continuation of MATH 201 (when i was in this course, they introduced basic PDEs near the end of it) with a tiny bit of physics. Any related questions/discussions, such as issues, recommendations, reviews, comparisons, etc. Took ECE 341 last semester, our exam averages were around the 20-40 range. How is this class? Share This subreddit is not officially endorsed by UIC or any affiliated group. 25 or higher can apply for the joint program. #1 won't be a problem because I will make sure to only take ECE 391 with a light courseload, my main worry is #2, and the fact that ECE 391 might make me learn systems programming with an ECE spin on things, a lot of which I might not have taken in previous CS classes. Expect to spend 10 to 15 hours in a lab, working, every single week. Given the lack of a regional subreddit, it also covers most things in the Champaign-Urbana area. ECE 342 is more applicable to the hardware side of system design/embedded while 310 is more focused towards the software side. His notes and the resources help a lot but his assignments are brutally hard and I found that I can’t do them correctly unless I discuss them with him. BS in Data Science with Bioinformatics Concentration I personally thought it was a step up from ECE 313 in terms if difficulty and time commitment. Introduction to analytical solutions of partial differential equations, eigenfunctions and eigenvalue problems, special functions in cylindrical and spherical coordinates, Green's functions, and transform methods. 23) ECE 310: Digital Signal Processing (3. I'm currently taking ECE 391, ECE 374, and ECE 408. . Post any questions you have, there are lots of redditors with admissions knowledge waiting to help. 5-3 years out we're at 200/350/280 (the lowest paid friend left some credit card/bank company in chicago for a just-post-ipo fintech company in the bay, and the amazon friend hasn't seen much growth :P). 115/ 107 are freshman courses and are pre reqs for a lot of courses, but I’m sure if you talk to an advisor they can help you find courses at CCC that might transfer. The min/max/guesstimated-average stats starting TC of my close ECE friend group (probably ~10 people) was 108/185/160 and 2. Amazing professor who is willing to help students. The best place on Reddit for LSAT advice. Hello everyone, I will be a visiting student for this upcoming summer semester. Post your Spring 2023 schedules here. The professor assumes you already know differential equations, Fourier transforms, Laplace transforms, and how frequency-domain transfer functions work. Prerequisite: Grade of C or better in STAT 381. 85) ECE 340: Semiconductor Electronics (2. Reply reply Certain-Side-145 A subreddit for all things related to the University of Illinois Chicago. They had a change of faculty and I’m assuming they felt the class was too hard so they stepped it down a few notches, perhaps a few too many. SJSU vs UIC is not even a competition, please pick UIC, unless all you care about is getting a job in cali and don’t care about quality of education SJSU should be discarded, but it is great if you are only looking for those things Classes: ECE 391, CS 411, ECE 398, MUS 132 plus 10 hours a week working an SWE co-op. Prerequisite(s): CS 341. Also it may seem much but I recommend added a class like ece 341 or 310. It also introduces you to feedback, Bode plots, stability, etc which you would use in ECE 486 and any discipline where stability is important. CS 241 vs ECE 391 . Probability And Random Processes For Engineers (ECE 341) 12 12 documents. Introduction to Electrical and Computer Engineering. See if you can swap one. Alan Lynch rn. I took ECE 342, 330, CS225 - PM me if you have questions about those. 13K subscribers in the uichicago community. Course Information: 3 undergraduate hours. /r/MCAT is a place for MCAT practice, questions, discussion, advice, social networking, news, study tips and more. Especially 341 because the other professor for that class is known to be harder. As to taking 391, be certain you have the time for it. Hi, I'm currently a CA for 391 so I'll try and give as best of a review as I can. The class is quite theory-heavy. 87K subscribers in the UIUC community. ECE 486: Control Systems (3. So I was considering doing ECE 391 instead of CS341. 0 0 questions 0 0 quizzes 5 5 students Anyone who’s taken ece 341/346 know what’s the curved grade scale? Thanks I’m taking ECE 341 with Dr. Posted by u/Finding_Sleep - 5 votes and 2 comments We aim to be the reddit version of your local cafe. , are welcomed! ECE 469 . I am planning on taking either CS 374 or CS 341 next semester, and I can't decide which one to take. I recently got accepted into UIC for an MS in Electrical and Computer Engineering in the Spring. I enjoy it here. Anyone had Ning Jin for ECE 341 ? Sorry, this post was deleted by the person who originally posted it. uic. I had 342 the same semester as your second link. Hey all, I'm going to be taking ECE 210 and CS 225 next semester, and most likely ECE 385. I think it comes down to study habits for this one. I plan to take CS 441 for Spring 2024 because I hear people talking about it is easy and has light workload. If I go this route, by the time I take ECE 391 I would have: I took ECE 310, 342, and 350 and they were all great in my opinion. Take 340 if you like high level stuff generally, and don’t wanna bother with low level code too much. Do not make independent posts about schedules, they will be removed. I took ECE 391 this past semester, and I was actually doing just fine in the class until I got a FAIR violation (I didn’t put my pencil down when the exam finished-I know, very stupid of me. It’s true that 342 is still relatively fundamental- you’re dealing with individual mosfets, but that is certainly applicable for designing electrical systems; not to mention the continuation into ECE 482 & 483 (digital and electrical IC design, respectively). 75 GPA, part of honors college and work experience of 3+ years by the time I apply to PhD. 60) ECE 361 (Digital Communications) is not available next semester. Hey guys, just discovered this subreddit and wanted to see how feasible this plan is to grind out the next 3 semesters. I'm taking 486 this semester. I need to take a circuits class, but I realized that ECE 210 and ECE 225 both transfer back to my university in Michigan. I didn't like it. Free copy through UIC Library. But the professors that are good are really good. Also, it depends on whether you're CE or EE. Probability, random variables, discrete and continuous distributions, transformation of random variables, expectation, generating functions, statistical inference, hypothesis testing, estimation, random processes, stationarity, applications. The instructor who use to handle the class isn't teaching it anymore, and I know that a lot of professors in the higher level ECE courses have been complaining that students weren't learning enough material from 265. Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. It’s a very hard class, but he’s a good prof imo. edu/ or contact the dean of college of engineering and explain the reasons. The Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering degree requirements are outlined below. ECE Fall 2020 courses: ECE311 ECE317 ECE340 ECE396 and i would like to add one more class which one of these do you think should i take: ECE322 or… Is anyone taking ECE 341 with professor Ning? Is the attendance required in person or can I watch his lectures from home live via echo 360 or bb? In terms of workload I'd say ECE 341 would be harder than math 311 (the science version of math 309). Yes midterm 1 was terrible since we had 45 min to do 4 questions each with subproblem abcdefgh, but they made all other midterms shorter and they curved final grade, so it was ok in the end. Office hours become very important for homework and projects. Personally, I hated CS 151 and struggled because the material was the most boring thing ever. ECE 449 is not easy at all and the homeworks take up to 15 to 20 hours each. 330 is a fun class but doesn't offer much that I can think would directly benefit a computer engineer - three phase power, magnetic circuits READ THE RULES BEFORE POSTING USMLE Step 1 is the first national board exam all United States medical students must take before graduating medical school. So, you have to just start early to finish them on time. Undergraduate students admitted into the joint program can register for two technical-elective ECE courses and receive graduate credit for them. Dallesasse, Gilbert). The application fee is waived but as an international student you have to pay an assessment fee for credentials of 100 USD per cycle. Recommended background: CS 341 or experience with functional programming. Regardless, any ECE from this school on your resume looks great. I would say it's useful if you are considering going scuffed ECE SWE mode. This subreddit is for anyone/anything related to UIUC. I guess technically ECE466 would be an easy tech elective if you're EE since its pre-req (ECE366) teaches you almost half of the course, but both ECE366 and 466 are required classes for CE. Half of the semester is still low level c code, and a pretty large time commitment, but it is a lower time commitment than the insane amount of coding that’s 341. e. Like real cafes have galleries or stages, we host weekly themes as an addition post topic, and we host special event days to try and mimic specialty bookings: memes on Mondays, Thursday is Open Mic night A subreddit for all things related to the University of Illinois Chicago. I really wouldn't recommend taking the class without 210. Think of 233 as 233 + 341. I wanted to take 374 as it would be recruiting season for 2023 internships and employers seem to value it more (and it may help with DP/other algorithmic concepts in interviews). Math 220 is easy if you have a good teacher, I recommend Schulman, he's the best professor at UIC. There aren't really any easy ECE tech electives. Most of the computer architecture and systems tech electives I want to take require 391 prereq anyway. Ratemyprofessor is your friend. 43) (see edit) ECE 461: Digital Communications (3. Textbook 3: Alan Elliott and Wayne Woodward, SAS Essentials: Mastering SAS for Data Analytics Wiley, 2nd edition. ECE 210- I remember this course being very simply to me , but I also remember there being a lot of people who struggled , but also a lot of people who did very well. In my case, my first semester was ECE 115, CS 107, phys 260, math 310 and the engineering orientation. Students in the BS in Data Science program may satisfy the prerequisite with IE 342 or ECE 341 instead of STAT 381. 4 graduate hours. Posted by u/anxiousbutterfly707 - 1 vote and no comments Goncharoff is a fantastic professor for ECE 341, he is very clear on the content and gives you extended time in order to complete quizzes which reflect exactly what will be on the exam. If it helps, I am looking to stay in Chicago and pursue a career in either software engineering or quantitative finance (leaning more towards swe). He was amazing online. The University of Victoria is a major research university located in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. Join the unofficial community where you can discuss Roborock products. Concepts of electrical and computer engineering including: ciruit analysis, fundamental electromagnetics, electronic devices, sensors, communication, digital logic, programming, numerous practical applicaitons; laboratory. Post any questions you have, there are lots of redditors with LSAT knowledge waiting to help. Hello. In terms of readiness for ECE 391, all I do at my SWE internship/co-op right now is C++ and I'm somewhat used to working with massive code bases (where half of it is basically a black box). Students who have completed at least 30 hours of ECE core courses and have an overall institutional GPA of 3. To be fair, if someone is struggling with ECE 110, ECE 210 is a vastly more difficult class, but generally you have the mathematical maturity to deal with it after taking Calc 1/2/3 and DiffEq. The best place on Reddit for admissions advice. Fall 18 CS: 251, 301, 361, 362, 377 I’m finishing my ECE minor (computer) this semester along with my ABE undergrad. 374 homeworks are due Wed 10am and 408 MPs are due Wed 3pm. Take it with dragic, Lee, Goddard,or edens if they teach it. Hi if you want somewhere April 1-July 31 I have a current deal of $600 monthly rent room options ~$60 utilities up to three rooms with different arrangement options I have a roommate that is a senior at UIUC and you can have a preview experience and I can ask if she can give you some insight or whatever subleasing for the remainder of my lease April 1-July 31 in a student apartment complex ECE 115 is a fairly simple and fair grading class, should be fine, Vahe is teaching it I’m sure and he’s one of the best ECE professors Reply reply [deleted] A subreddit for all things related to the University of Illinois Chicago. This week: midterm Monday, wElLnESs dAy Wednesday, you’d think, in addition to having 8-9 straight weeks w no break, maybe out of just the kindness of the heart, this would go through the mind of a professor: “these students have been working hard, have had nothing to do but sit inside and do work, have no break, and half of them are on suicide watch knowing Prerequisite(s): Grade of C or better in CS 251; and IE 342 or STAT 381 or ECE 341. 5 %âãÏÓ 10 0 obj > endobj 47 0 obj >/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[3E163ABE925454566977FCE7740C336C>942F0A0074102F41A2E15BEA17EB76F8>]/Index[10 50]/Info 9 0 R The alternative that I'm leaning toward is ECE 391 and ECE 330; get my core EE out of way and dive into advanced comp electives after 391. It can be a little confusing, but it’s manageable. I also personally enjoyed ECE 310 more than ECE 210. I just wanted to get a general consensus of what current ECE students or ECE alumni’s from UIC think of the program? I know the research opportunities are good at UIC, but I come from a business+data science background and I’m not sure what to A subreddit for all things related to the University of Illinois Chicago. Aug 26, 2024 · Lane Gunderman joined the electrical and computer engineering department this fall as an assistant professor. The homework assignments can be time consuming as you have both coding and written questions and it has to be typed in latex. As a cs major is it worth taking 391 in place of 241? Does 391 cover more very ok. ECE 115. The semicolon is what tells you that the "grade of C or better" statement does not apply to subsequent courses listed (only to CS 251). STAT 361- I don’t want to say a pushover class but it’s pretty much is. Course Information: Credit is not given for ECE 341 if the student has credit for IE 342. To earn a Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering degree from UIC, students need to complete university, college, and department degree requirements. Plus, it is more applicable from what I am hearing than Analog Signal Processing. However, today a friend of mine told me that this is not the case for Spring. Most likely here https://dos. So if you apply to more than one program you just have to pay 100 USD once and the rest are free. 350 - Depends if you like 329 310 - Depends if you liked 210. The university traces its roots to Victoria College, the first post-secondary institution established in British Columbia in 1903, it was then reorganized in 1963 into its present form. Stroscio, real easy, or 350. 329 isn't so bad from what I've heard, and can be useful for communications stuff and some hardware. If you're ever unsure, reach out to your academic advisor, or an advisor in the department of the class that you're worried about! As UIC students, I was wondering what you guys think about the program and UIC as a whole. The workload isn't bad at all. This subreddit is not… A subreddit for all things related to the University of Illinois Chicago. Prerequisite(s): Grade of C or better in MATH 210. 88) ECE 330: Power Circuits and Electromechanics (2. 342 ECE 341 (3) ECE 115 (4) PHYS 260 (2) ENGR 100 (1) This oddly only adds up to 13 credits, but besides that, I've heard some pretty negative things about Diffeq from UIC, I have a lot of credits transferring so I'm unsure if I will be able to take it at a CC. I am interested in pursuing ECE PhD at UIC starting in Fall 2021. Projects can be difficult as they are long and require coding in matlab that I was unsure of before. The #1 social media platform for MCAT advice. 05) ECE 329: Fields and Waves I (2. That will be a bit of work, mainly because of 220 and 233 at the same time. Definitely take those classes with him. This subreddit is not officially endorsed by UIC or any affiliated group. Take it with hamonolu or chandra. I was wondering if anyone could give any input on how much… The #1 social media platform for MCAT advice. But I found homework to be a bit difficult but you can search it or meet with the ta. The MCAT (Medical College Admission Test) is offered by the AAMC and is a required exam for admission to medical schools in the USA and Canada. A subreddit for all things related to the University of Illinois Chicago. ECE 408 is pretty good. I want to take some combination of 2 of these at once but don’t want to be flooded w/ too much work. 310 is a good choice if you like 210, DSP is one of those things that is just good to know. I understand that it is going to be more work but I feel like it would be more rewarding since 391 seems to go into more depth on the hardware side. (423 is not the CS version, its a later class you can take) 391 is mostly fake difficulty from terrible tools, and the OS dev community online being populated by angry fucking losers. We welcome discussions related to coffee, other “cafe” food and drink, and cafe life. Definitely don't do ECE 449 with ECE 391. Jan 6, 2025 · ECE; 341 ; ECE 341 - Analytical Methods in Electrical Engineering 3 units (fi 8)(EITHER, 3-1S-0) Faculty of Engineering. Wen-Mei is an awesome professor and he tries to make the class workload reasonable (he gave us a few extensions and extra time on the midterm). Extensive computer use required. Students, Alumni, Faculty, and… I don't think the class is well taught unless you have the few instructors who can teach it(i. Or check it out in the app stores ECE tech elective reccomendations (408,492,402,402,418) This class is a fucking joke. My instructor was C. ECE 391 + ECE 374 by itself would be fine except your taking two more technicals so that's a bad idea. Take 346 if it's with Prof. Study guide/homework question are pretty much the same on exams. ECE program is not for everyone and many students get a rude awakening when they take ECE 110 and ECE 120. If you've taken ECE 391, you've built a kernel from scratch. The Reddit LSAT Forum. Check out the sidebar for intro guides. ECE265 should be going through some dramatic changes. They will be able to tell you really fast. Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now ECE 311 isn't hard to get an A in, but I feel that it's a good deal of work for a single credit hour ECE 408 is realistically the only class easy enough to fit in your schedule and even then it's gonna be extremely rough. Steps to succeed in 210 (and any other ECE class for that matter): (1) Quit complaining (2) Go to office hours, make sure whatever you learn in class today, you master today (3) don't start the homework the night before or the day of (like a lot of people) (4) Start going over past exams one or two weeks before the upcoming exam (5) attend lecture (6) don't leave lingering questions. All of the CS 423 MPs are all about programming kernel modules in the Linux kernel. Too much? I had hit or misses with some courses/ professors, I'm looking at you ECE 341 (miss). Ece 115 is super easy just do the homework, 265 is easy as well, professor firzgerald gives sample exams that are exactly like the test. I'm not particularly interested in the course, but I would still like to receive a decent grade (by decent I mean some sort of B, hopefully at least a B). So I’m a senior and ECE 391 and 374 are the only courses I need to take before i graduate-I finished everything else in regards to requirements. Right now is f*cking hard because I’m taking ECE 385 which I’m told doesn’t even come close to how time consuming ECE 391 is. 4 hours. More toward the end of the Ece 341 is very easy but I've heard that professor isn't great so keep that in mine. 486 is no cake walk, but is also a staple engineering topic. %PDF-1. The unofficial Reddit community for VCU! A place Sep 4, 2024 · Free copy through UIC Library. Most amount of work and difficulty. I have taken ECE 391, ECE 385, ECE 374, and even ECE 340, notorious ECE department courses but I feel like I am on the verge of failing 4 days into the semester ECE 411 MP1 was completely remote the first week, with school starting on Tuesday and the github repository was not working for a few days. I was wondering what is the difference between ECE 210 and ECE 225? Also, I would like to know if Shadmand, Mohammad is a good professor for ECE Depends what interests you. ECE 341 at the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC) in Chicago, Illinois. Bayram who disappeared for a whole week and subsequent lectures in the middle of the semester and these were supposed to cover important topics on which more complex stuff builds as the semester progresses. ECE 438 - Communication Networks ECE 428 - Distributed systems CS 461 - Security 1 CS 446 - Machine Learning I haven’t been able to find too much feedback about these courses recently. So, I can provide an accurate idea of what workload you'd have with 374 and 408 together. I would recommend ece 342 and ece 310 if you find circuits, controls, and programming interesting. He holds a BS in physics and math from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and his PhD in physics from the University of Waterloo’s Institute for Quantum Computing, where he worked on theory related to quantum error-correcting codes and hybrid quantum devices. Not grading assignments on time is most likely a violation of one of their academic policies. Posted by u/ece_throwaway_399 - 1 vote and 6 comments I would talk to the department about it, but usually you have to take ECE 396 and ECE 397 because 396 is the planning of the project and 397 is the implementation. Not too difficult. ECE 330 vs ECE 350 . Is tuition waiver and stipend guaranteed for all students? Is it covered during summers as well? How much is the approximated stipend I can I took CS233 last semester and it was one of my favorite classes. The Series 7 Exam Subreddit is a professional community of Reddit users focused on the passing of the FINRA SIE Exam as well as FINRA Series Learn to develop machine-assisted formal mathematical proofs and prove that programs satisfy their specifications. The Law School Admission Test (LSAT) is the test required to get into an ABA law school. I was only on campus last semester, but I loved it. Hey all, I'm taking ECE 340, and so far the class is giving me flashbacks to the nightmare of the class ECE 313. If you enjoy physics, ece 329 and 340 are good options. ECE 342:Gives you the basics to analyze BJT and MOSFET based amplifiers (the most common configurations). I loved it, personally. 65 votes, 22 comments. Building a kernel is an amazing feet (very few people will EVER do something like this!), but it's also always easier to build something yourself than to actually make code work within 20m+ SLoC system. View community ranking In the Top 5% of largest communities on Reddit. I took ECE 310 last semester, and I feel it’s a pretty useful class as it is a prereq to many of the higher level courses (some of the CS courses also have ECE 310 as a pre-req). Students, Alumni, Faculty, and Townies are all welcome. 225 - Time intensive but it is definitely not as bad as some of your other EE classes complexity-wise. There are weekly MPs in the first half of the class and a group project at the end. 1 midterm and 1 final exam. I graduated from UIC in 2018 (BS in EE) with 3. vvczhtmwmhacfxnofnpzdrqjdabzrinsvhdjctvywdfbjoagjgnptsuwhcbyzhzbhurygvfzb