Harry potter fanfiction ginny expelled. It is all Ginny and Draco's fault that I got expelled.

Harry potter fanfiction ginny expelled Ginny struggled to get away, but she was small in stature and didn't have the strength to overpower the girl who was restraining her. Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings; Ginny Weasley; Sirius Black; Bellatrix Black Lestrange; Harry Potter; Tom Riddle | Voldemort; Angst; Azkaban James and Lily have been put into a coma, Adrian Potter is the boy-who-lived, Dumbledore raises him and drops his twin at his aunts. Hopefully that meant his Aunt and Uncle hadn't gone to bed yet. Draco smiled at his wife's reaction. "Ginny!" "Ow, Ginny stop-" A thud. "Sort of like Hagrid. This is merely a fan fiction to tide us over until Book 6. "Ginny… are we together now?" Ginny beamed at him. Back after some formatting issues. Ginny's head lolled hopelessly from side to side. "So, what's the feast for?" Draco asked as he went beside Ginny to watch what she was doing. However, I personally feel Draco needs to be taught a lesson. Ginny focused solely on Harry as he shouted, "Leave him alone!" Ginny was too petrified to even cover her eyes. Then we shall see if you deserve to be expelled. "They don't believe in demigods and they don't think that anyone can be cursed. Weasley made him stay there until he was rescued by members of the Order of the Phoenix. As always I remind you this story is already finished. Harry disappears leaving Magical Briton to its own fate. People are attacked and dying in agonizing ways. " "Thank you, Professor," Ginny said. They met on the train to Hogwarts. "Don't make this harder for everyone. Things to do before I get expelled. 4 /? 85 /? Harry, Ron and Hermione return to Hogwarts for their eighth year. K. Rated: Fiction T - English - Drama/Supernatural - Harry P. A/N: Don't own, don't get any compensation from. "Dementors," Ginny said. In fact, it was a rather cordial thing, discussed at length and agreed upon on the night before Ginny was to leave for her training camp, to begin her quidditch career with the I do not own the characters of Harry Potter, these belong to that wonderful author JK Rowling and the various publishing companies used to publish her works. Ginny had always had a crush on Harry since she could remember, the story book hero that stopped the dark lord, Harry was something of a household name in all wizarding familys, but Ginny used to ask for his story all the time before bed, she had read everything she could about him, and finally when she had seen him at platform nine and three Ginny is crying and can't stop and is petrified she will be expelled just because she is a Weasley. "There are Dementors outside. Don't worry, we're appealing it. Me. Ron looked at him. Of course, everyone dies eventually, but to know the way it may come about… Harry felt himself being shaken, someone had been trying to gain his attention. Power the Dark Lord knows not. This chapter will center on Ron, Hermione, Ginny, and how they're dealing with Harry's death and what they're doing now:-P. 'I love you,' Ginny whispered running her fingers across Harry's toned torso. Ginny's said nothing but her mind seemed to be on a very nauseating and very scary roller coaster. Still, Harry felt bad for the other Weasleys; for Ginny, Fred and George, and of course the two Weasley parents. Ginny saw him and demanded, "What did you two do?" "Nothing", said James "Yet", added Harry "If you do anything to get yourself expelled on your first day at school, you're in for a rude awakening" "Lighten up Gin, Ron, Hermione and I smuggled a dragon out of Hogwarts grounds and we didn't get Harry whispered. Part 2 of The Many Faces of Harry Potter; Language: English Words Ginny ran her fingers though Hermione's hair and was momentarily distracted as Luna lifted Ginny's shirt over her head. 'Out the back, Maria won't mind, I don't think anyway. Harry just nodded his thanks at his friends and went back to eating. " He growled. C'mon, Ginny, let's go now —" "I'm going to be expelled!" I wept as Harry helped me awkwardly to my feet. Harry is expelled, his wand snapped. A lot of this chapter was repetitious and I know we're all getting tired of it. Ron and Ginny, who had been fighting to get closer to the extendable ears, froze. Ginny arched an eyebrow, and opened the letter to read it. Harry took the plate from her and bit into a sandwich gratefully. Ginny manages to fight the Diary before petrifying Hermione, and kills the Basilisk. Jan 31, 2025 · Tags. Harry couldn't believe what had happened; his supposed best friend had just left him in the middle of London, just because Harry didn't want to take an extremely risky method to Hogwarts. - Chapters: 4 - Words: 583 - Reviews: 11 - Favs: 5 - Follows: 3 - Updated: 7/1/2008 - Published: 5/8/2008 - Status: Complete - id: 4244212 Harry Potter is expelled from Hogwarts during his third year. Mrs Weasley began to open her mouth, but Ginny cut her off instantly. ' Ginny ushered Harry through the back, and through a maze of short passages, where behind sealed doors, lay countless amounts of mead, Harry Chapter 1: Expelled. The headmaster carefully opened the door to show Izzy and Ginny standing outside, looking very pale and scared. Premise: Fawkes heals Harry and Ginny, and then flames out of the Chamber of Secrets. When Ginny is kicked out of her all girls magic school and sent to Hogwarts with her twin brother, and Harry's best friend, their worlds collide. This can't- This fucking can't be happening. W. Or, rather, who Ginny could be doing. Kill Voldemort, or he'll kill me. To marry Ginny Weasley and catch an infamous pirate named Red Fury. Harry Potter learns he is not known but has a well known brother. " He stands up straight. Harry turned. Pairing: Harry and Ginny. "Quiet! They've started!" The group fell silent. ' It only took a few minutes for Ginny to explain that her jealousy over someone sending Harry chocolates drove her to seek a love potion from the only place she knew to get it, her brother's shop. 'WHAT?!' Maya burst out, spitting out her cereal. They belong to Ms. Sirius sees how Harry and Ginny are best suited for each other during their stay at 12 Grimmauld Place. " Ginny looked up at him. " Harry sighed as Ginny got up from her knees and kissed him. Unfortunately for Harry and Hermione the next morning they had potions first thing and Snape was still in a foul mood over Harry's comments to the Headmaster. Harry the twin brother of the boy-who-lived comes to Hogwarts and gets sorted into Slytherin. He’d become a muggle. What will he do when the two of them turn out to be the same person? A tale of romance and adventure set in the late 1800s during the height of the British Raj in India. Would you accept a "quit Hogwarts for another school" instead? Hogwarts snaps your wand if you get expelled. Nov 12, 2023 · Before she could analyze that particular thought, Harry flipped Ginny over and pinned her hands over her head. But Ron is dense and Ginny's offense against Harry was different from Hermione and Ron's. Harry categorically refuses to marry Ginny due to her actions, or rather inaction during the Chamber of Secrets episode. (known as the Boy-Who-Lived) in his hearing, in which he was pronounced guilty due to extraordinary amounts of evidence against Harry Potter. When they reached the cave-in, Ron had managed to dig a hole large enough for them to squeeze through; Fawkes swooping through first, before Harry helped Ginny through. Chapter begins But since it had been James Potter, father of Harry Potter, the Boy-Who-Lived, the defeater of Voldemort and the orphaned child whose life Dumbledore had taken total control over who had made Dumbledore swear this oath, Dumbledore could and did infer that he was merely following the final requests and/or orders of James Potter regarding the boy Happy Reading. Mrs. "Ginny!" Harry shouted, rushing to her. Severus Snape hates Harry Potter. S, since the war affected all of the grades and teaching. The dementors of Azkaban are searching, eager to see him "Yeah, they all replied. Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Harry Potter characters. Harry and Ginny are killed at the end of the Chamber of Secrets, but is giving another chance to come back as Spirit Hunters. Sirius was waiting near the gargoyle's, 'I thought I would tell you Ginny was also expelled. "You're bloody well right you're in trouble! First of all, even if you performed magic outside of school, I doubt the Ministry is going to have you expelled and AU. "It's late, Harry. Dumbledore arrives too late, and Harry finds himself expelled from Hogwarts and his wand snapped. Luckily, Remus Lupin and Sirius Black have a plan. And I don’t think you’re allowed to buy a new one. Chapter 6. "I can understand how Sirius and Harry must be feeling, cooped up…" Mrs Weasley began. Harry and Ginny burst out laughing at Ron's face before looking at each other to share the same thought. Ginny will make sure that she gets Potter!" Tonks shook her head. Look! Him and the basilisk. Dumbledore was the only one there but he hardly even looked at Harry and said nothing. He is just the most wonderful boy in the entire world! He's my brother's best friend. Suddenly she understood. The intensity of her desire was difficult to resist. All I need to do is upload each chapter for you to enjoy. C/O with Yu Yu Hashoko. I am however borrowing them, no not to make money but for fun and fun only. Harry Potter was abandoned at a early age, but was found and given to a local street gang, how will Dumbledore and co. Non-canon interpretation of the Hat's function and origins - but Hat is not super OP with magic. "Hello, Harry. Summary. T. " She took out a piece of parchment. I write for entertainment purposes only. Ron was particularly annoying and vindictive ever since they arrived at Hogwarts for the year; he went out of his way to insult and belittle Harry and Hermione. react to a fully independant Potter, uncooperative Potter, a drug taking, hard rock playing, Muggle Minded Potter? "I'm going to be expelled!" Ginny wept as Harry held her. Why had she done it? No one knew. I am not her. Harry shuffled closer to Hermione, attempting to give Ginny some space - cramped together as When Lord Voldemort went to Godric's Hollow to kill Harry Potter, he agreed to a request from one of his disciples to spare his mother. Potter would have to come in person, be identified by magic as the one and only Harry Potter and would not be able to transfer the estate to anyone other than the heir(s) of his body or until their coming of age in the event of Harry Potter's death. Getting to School a Different Way. Rowling) hurried towards me. Rowlings. Ginny Weasley is the cheery, sultry, and gorgeous popular girl. " Sirius ground his teeth. We're one chapter away from a most important meeting between Ginny and Sirius, but I won't spoil any surprises. Rated: Fiction T - English - Friendship - Sirius B. through the dust and wreckage of the now destroyed door Umbridge walks in, wand in one hand, her other on Ron's collar dragging the poor boy in with her. " Harry said. Ginny has only made it a single step back before the door explodes inward with a deafening crash, knocking Ginny down. The last spell that showed up on her wand was the cruciatus curse. It was short: 'Hedwig needs a new master. "I wnat to be alone. Missed holding him, missed his smile missed everything about him. ' Harry replied his hands were tangled n her red hair, stroking her cheek, running up her leg under her skirt. Jr. "Well you see, there is this boy I like, his name is Harry Potter. "Yes, you're right," he replied but didn't move. Harry/Ginny, Ron/Hermione AU. Lots of drama and some loving. Harry, with Dudley hanging limply over his shoulders, trudged up the garden path to the front door of number four Privet Drive. Ginny and Molly bashing. We need to give Mrs. (It was set in the summer before third year. She goes out with Slytherins to annoy her family, she sneaks into the boy's dormitories at night to party until the wee hours and she dresses like the most fashionable slut there is. Mum and Dad will kill me!" "I won't let them expel you Ginny," said Harry, "If they expel you, they will have to expel me! I won't let them expel the girl I love. Summary: Harry is expelled from Hogwarts and left to his horribly abusive family, see the fall out from that What if Dumbledore was out-maneuvered and was late for Harry's hearing for underage magic? Harry ends up expelled but he will not take the unfair and condescending treatment by the Magical World any longer. THE BOY WHO LIES, EXPELLED. "Big shots don't mean much where I come from, the only thing that matters is ya willin' to be". He was protecting her… if she didn't say anything no one would ever know what she had done… she could see it in his eyes. 'I love you more. "Ginny, please wake up," Harry muttered desperately, shaking her. "Pass it over, Fred-" A violent hiss. It is all Ginny and Draco's fault that I got expelled. "Cooped up! That's bad enough in its own right-" Before the break in the chamber of secrets, Ginny found the diary of Tom Riddle and she is spilling all of her secrets Rated: Fiction K+ - English - Friendship/Hurt/Comfort - Ginny W. Harry told him who he was but it didn't seem to faze him too much. Harry jumped and spun around on his knees. Harry had once again made a perfect potion thanks to his increased understanding and training. It had been six months since Harry Potter had left Hogwarts School in disgrace, he had been expelled and his wand snapped, accused and found guilty by the school governors of sexually assaulting his best friend Hermione Granger. 'He's been expelled. Song: Take A Bow. "But you guys!" said Ginny, "Neville only thought he was doing the right thing by telling Snape. Ginny is young, witty, blond, gorgeous, fierce and a downright rebel. " Harry Potter is a Marauder, sailing with the crew he's grown up with on his dad's ship, The Pheonix. On with the story. "Not enough," Harry no longer cared that he was talking to the Minister of Magic or that he could be expelled from Hogwarts. Independent Study by SomewheresSword. "It's no more than he deserves," Harry said with an unconcerned shrug. - Words: 3,452 - Reviews: 16 - Favs: 68 - Follows: 20 - Published: 5/17/2011 - Status: Complete - id: 7000532 By the way, just so you know, all of this was my idea Ron! I figured out what you were up to, and I told Harry and the rest of the girls. When Ginny calmed down, she turned back to the stew to check if it was ready. "No Harry, we weren't," Ginny reminded him. Months passed, but Hermione was still furious at Neville. The coach then started to move and Harry took his last look at Hogwarts. At that, Ginny burst out laughing. "Ginny looked down at the parchment. "Don't be dead, please don't be dead," he muttered. Fleur Delacour/Harry Potter; Sirius Black & Harry Potter; Fleur Delacour; Harry Potter; Sirius Black; Romance; Summary. Harry sat reading the note and made the decision to go to Severus' room that evening he didn't think he could face the Great Hall. Warnings: Ginny Bashing. I didn't do anything to deserve getting expelled or arrested. A/N: Someone e-mailed me and reminded me I promised to write a D/G fanfic in Catalyst. Starts off with a few snippets of conversations Ginny had, showing how she grew up on the Boy Who Lived. Hermione was shocked to see he was already hard again. Ginny almost applauded as she sighed with relief. Ginny leaned in and captured the bookworm's lips with her own and was surprised by how suddenly the other girl responded. Not even that trusting smile. Despite being at least a hundred years of age, Dumbledore had always retained an aura of youthful excitement. Ginny watched as Hermione's eyes fell to her freckled chest which was now clothed only with a lace bra. "Of course Author Note: Harry Potter and company are not mine. Watch as Harry successfully escapes and leaves the problem of Voldemort to those who should be handling it. Also, you must start to arrange for the burial details", the male healer addressed him. It wasn't the result of a pitched argument or infidelity brought to light. Lily Evans Potter survived the night of October 31, 1981. E. "Maybe Sirius is behaving like this because he knows exactly how Harry feels!" Ginny roared, but Mrs Weasley was not easily intimidated. She felt his gaze on her and blushed. "Veritaserum," Dumbledore replied. "Ginny, you better get away from there," Harry advises. They had to blab he thought. He'll never get tired of her laughter. Dumbledore doesn't make it in time for Harry's trial, and the outcome is very different. Harry climbed into the coach that had just arrived and he plonked himself down in one of the chairs. Chapter 1: Encounter with a Frenchman Ginny sighed as she walked down the hall. "All because of those Dementors. They try and control him, kill him and cheat him but the wizard world is having a problem with Harry the adopted Goblin. They're surrounding Harry, Ron and Hermione. " "No, I swear, I didn't…" "Ginny. 'I brought you lunch,' she said simply. When he first got his expulsion letter, he wanted nothing more than to curse Vernon and his increasingly red face, but letters from Sirius and Mr. ONE: After the war, the students of Harry Potter's year all returned, for an Eighth year, to do their N. This is a form expelling from Hogwarts on (). Chapter 1. Harry/Ginny, Ron/Hermione J. "Harry?" Hermione asked softly. When Harry and Ginny's relationship ended, it wasn't with any amount of fanfare or drama. I really am listening. Ginny asked. "Mister Potter," Fudge started carefully, standing up now as well, "While we do not know exactly how Sirius Black escaped, we are doing our best to recapture him. "HARRY JAMES POTTER!" Ginny shouted over their mental link, making Harry flinch at the intensity of her voice; though it was more than enough to let him know that he was in trouble. "Well, it's a special . "Hem, hem," said Harry, a skill that he had learned from Ginny just a week ago (she had eccentric taste in pillow talk). The Dark Lord remained true to his word. "Mr. Expelled Fanfiction. He has messy black hair and bright green eyes, behind round spectacles. Or the sudden shift in his relationship with the Potter whelp. Disclaimer all characters, settings, etc, are the copyright of JK Rowling and Bloomsbury Publishing. He didn't mean to nurture a monster, but it happened anyway, and he got expelled. " "He really needs to learn it's not on to attack people for no reason," Hermione added. And I hope you do. This is a fantasy story with a lot of girl friends and a wife and a lot of character bashing, character death and not book compliant. Through the little window at the drop of the door, Harry could see that the hall light was still on. Not even those bright, green eyes. We dealt with Hermione's offense a couple of chapters back but this was the first time I fully delved into exactly what Ginny had done wrong. /? She was here. I'm afraid we should go. Rowling. Lots of bashing. Along with your son, we also found your wife, Ginevra Molly Weasley-Potter, covered in blood, seeming rather confused, with her wand out. Don't sue. Mungo's. *What was I Harry is Dumbledores apprentice, learning all he can to survive through to the end of 6th. My first fanfic. "Headmistress, please believe me when I say that I would never hurt Harry, I love him," Ginny pleaded. Notes: Thank you for your suggestions and constructive critisism. I can't freak out now! Not now! It would look weird! Snap out of it! Damn It! To distract myself I took to studying his profile. Once Harry, Ron, and Hermione get expelled, what will they do with their life and will they bring Ginny with them? #expelled #ginervaweasley #ginnyweasley #harrypotter #hermionegranger #hogwarts #hogwartsschoolofwitchcraftandwizardry #magic #ronweasley Ginny due to her age and the fact that she hadn't been in the room where the fighting and murder of Sirius Black had occurred was spared a prison sentence due to her youth. ) Harry points out that Ginny had been suspicious of the diary due to having black-outs and waking up with feathers and blood coinciding with the attacks. Series. Come round here, I'll let you round the counter. - Chapters: 82 - Words: 136,785 - Reviews: 272 - Favs: 207 - Follows: 144 - Updated: 9/10/2011 - Published: 1/23/2008 - Status Harry asked. "I've been looking forward to coming to Hogwarts since Bill came here and now I'll have to leave. This was precisely why he loved his bushy-haired bookish best friend. Harry felt conflicted. Ginny is arrested and dies in prison shortly after. "Oh honestly, just because-" A light scratch on metal. Or that all too sweet and innocent look. Harry's usually vibrant green eyes were glazed. "I believe, Snivellus , that if you read through Modern Magical Law for Dummies and Greasy Gits thoroughly, you will find that casting unforgivable curses on animals is completely legal. He had missed Harry immensely over the last two days. Expelled Chapter Ten. " She had told them this countless times. Potter some calming draughts and you have to file the baby's death records. She had spent most of the night lying wide-awake in bed, bored out of her mind and desperately yearning for the diary if only to give herself something to do. "Ron's gone, he's being suspended and he's going to get expelled," Ginny spat. Ginny, killed tons of people but she'll be remembered as a victim of a dark witch. Follow the story of Harry Potter where Voldemort kept his word and Harry was raised by his mother. She has been told to not even speak to Potter, Longbottom or Granger and to keep her distance from them. 36. Ginny felt fortunate that Harry was so respectful because she understood the risks that their complete privacy posed. Grabbing Harry by the shoulder he pulled him out of his room and started to give him the tour. Nothing will ever change that. Harry and Ginny were walking the halls with the map out. new powers, new ideas and a new magical focus for Harry! COMPLETE Rated: Fiction M - English - Adventure - Chapters: 18 - Words: 92,753 - Reviews: 339 - Favs: 197 - Follows: 53 - Updated: 3/25/2004 - Published: 11/23/2003 - Status: Complete - id: 1612379 Jun 30, 2020 · Harry looked up to see that it was Hermione, holding a plate of sandwiches as she read interestedly over his shoulder. Harry ( The Harry Potter , Boy-who-Lived, Chosen One, Fates- whipping- boy from The Harry Potter Universe created by J. It was like she was under a spell — and perhaps she was. 'To Mr Harry James Potter – We regret to inform you that today, the 21th of August, at 1:07 PM, your son, Albus Severus Potter, was found, murdered, in a dark alley near Diagon Alley. Months later, when Remus Lupin goes to check on him, for lack of a response to his letters, he realises that Harry's aunt and uncle are not treating him as well as they should be. Harry thought back on the night he and Ginny had spent together, watching a play-by-play of it in his head. James winked at Harry. She uncorked the vial and drank it down. "It's all right," said Harry, holding up the diary, and showing me the fang hole, "Riddle's finished. This time at the conclusion of CoS, with poor Ginny. A death sentence. Harry knocked on the Potions room door and waited. 'He performed under-age magic in front of a muggle. No, nothing will ever change Severus's hatred for Harry Potter – no matter how fond of him he was becoming. Harry ends up expelled but he will not take the unfair and condescending treatment by the Magical World any longer. Midnight: and the castle was quiet, Harry and Ginny lay entwined in an arm chair kissing passionately. She was arrested trying to put a potion in Harry's lunch just a bit ago that was caught by Minerva who walked into Aug 28, 2019 · A few days following Ginny's arrest found Harry Potter in Dumbledore's office; in his opinion the amazing wizard had never looked so tired. I was going to come to tell Harry this evening. "Talk to him. Aug 26, 2023 · The day has finally come. "Fuck. "Now," Professor Dumbledore said, "Who were you with?" "Seamus Finnigan," Ginny replied in a The only reason that Ginny was not dead, was the fact that Harry Potter had saved his girl, who was being watched by a witch she had seen only once before. Rowling owns all characters unless there is someone you don't recognize, then that is probably a person made-up by me. I've got a notebook I write your suggestions and critism in, to help me make my story better. It couldn't be any other way, after all, all her life she had heard about him, Percy even read her at night the complete book of The Adventures of the Boy Who Lived. That sounded like a dream any girl would have and he let Molly remember her telling it. Ginny could only think of one secret, her biggest Her love for the boy named Harry Potter. They went upstairs, they were kissing, they went to Ginny's room, they fell on her bed, their clothes came off, then they Harry's eyes widened with even more shock than they already had. It was time for Harry to get his hearing on whether he'd be expelled or not. Disclaimer: Harry Potter is from the creative genius that is J. I honestly don't know what happened with this chapter. This made Ginny burst into laughter. "Ginny was expelled just before you got her, Weasley. Ron cheats on Hermione, she turns to Harry and finds what she has been looking for all along. Ginny looked and saw it was Neville, but before she could say anything to him, a large, white bandana was shoved roughly in her mouth and tied behind her head. Without looking at him, Ginny replied. Fawkes lead the way through the entrance to the Chamber, which closed with a hiss that caused Ginny to flinch and move closer to Harry. "Oh, yeah, Hermione, I forgot to mention," Ginny said, "Harry can get hard again after cumming nearly immediately. Harry hadn't said anything about her, nothing… as if she had just been an innocent bystander the whole time and just the unlucky victim. There is no escaping the Specter. The clever thing to do would be to surrender. Harry stared into the dying embers of the fire in the Gryffindor Common Room, wondering what Ginny could possibly be doing outside the dorms at midnight. It had become Ginny's routine and she couldn't get to sleep without it. I own the plot and other character that may pop up. Harry wished the old man would have waited till school was out before doing it but he was gone before Harry could voice his opinion. As of now, August 12, Harry Potter has been expelled from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. *** The Riddle of the Diary Harry Potter, much exalted, much revered, much loved, much hated, and currently much of a mess, felt as though he had been run over by a car. Disclaimed: I don't own any character your recognize, not the Harry Potter stories, i just own this plot twist and my OCC'S. Harry found out that Matthew was genuinely an all around decent guy. " Sirius stood and walked after Harry. The rest of the Gryfinndors, but Ginny Weasley, were furious at Neville for trying to get Hermione expelled. Harry's hips buckled as he let out a cry of pleasure just as Ginny pulled her mouth away, he spurted his semen all pver Ginny's chest as she pumped his cock with her tits. "Don't even joke about that" Ron whispered. "I'll just have you write your full name on this. A/N: During 6th year, why Harry and Ginny really broke up. Sirius looked at her. And, incredibly, it listened, turning away from the boy and relaxing to the floor, its shining eyes fixed on Harry. "You should have seen your faces! Your reactions were priceless" Ginny said through her laughs. At least, not the way you’re probably picturing it. Weasley tried to give them both Fred and George's new robes, but Ron threw a fit-wisely, before Ron killed his mum, Harry offered to pay for the new robes. Ginny only remembered that her mother had always said that since she was so beautiful and so talented a witch that someday when she finally met Harry Potter he couldn't help but fall in love with her and definitely would marry her when they became of age. Ginny Weasley is the newest recruit of the resistance fighters in Dercia, and she's been tasked with getting the Marauders to help dispose of their king, Thomas Riddle. Just for fun. Harry, Ron, and Hermione's Hogwarts letters seemed longer than ever; plus both Harry and Ron needed new robes since both of them outgrew last year's. ' Sirius said quietly. She felt like everyone was staring at her and knew her secret. I loved Harry enough to trust him, and Hermione was my best friend! Just for future reference, it's 12 uses for Dragons' Blood MoRon! Enjoy the rest of your miserable life you bastard!" cackled Ginny. "Now I have an owl for myself," Gin said with a smile. " Ginny whispered huskily as she took him into her mouth again. ' As Ginny wiped her eyes, Harry got up from his stool and came quickly behind the bar. "Who said she was joking?" Harry asked, winking at Ginny. Nevertheless, Ginny had succeeded. Ginny looked quickly at Harry, who was watching Dumbledore. "--- But before Ginny could scream, Harry darted forward, raising his wand. Harry had received word that Dumbedore along with Bill and Sirius were going to check out the Gaunt shack that night. But he refuses to give up. Ginny blushed when she saw Harry Potter at her family's breakfast table, let out a squeal, and ran off in embarrassment. An old, battered and hideously turquoise coloured Ford Anglia, to be more precise. 'This way. He would become a badass if he was expelled. "She won't wake," said a soft voice. " "Hung like a horse, magical tongue, and next to no refractory "I want you to come over my breasts Harry. Maya and Draco had only been back from their holiday two weeks when they were given the news that Harry had been expelled from school. "Harry-" "I want to be alone!" Harry left. Harry is different from what anyone expecting and he holds a few secrets. Hermione was ignoring him. Expelled. Only an adult-in-the-law Harry Potter could accept and receive the estate. Just Harry Potter. , Tom R. Alexandra Summers This 'Alexandra Summers' person watched as Harry Potter of all people walked into the mythical chamber of secrets. " Ginny said sadly. He liked them. Harry looked at Hermione who was now laid on a conjured stretcher. Somehow, that small movement makes him look that much more intimidating. However, she was expelled from Hogwarts, her wand was snapped, her magic bound and she was exiled from the Magical World. "And with any luck he'll be arrested and sent to Azkaban as well. Nearly everyone raised their wands in alarm and Dumbledore himself lead a group of five, Sirius included, to the back door. Congratulations, she's now yours! Harry and Hermione' Ginny burst out in laughter and petted Hedwig on her head, while she passed the note to the twins that read it quickly and laughed too. They, along with the sorting hat and sword get stuck in the Chamber for a summer together with Ron and Lockhart, and the three kids develop a sibling-esque bond and explore the chamber before finding a way out. Rich powerful Harry. She couldn't figure out herself. Right now, that feeling was gone and Dumbledore simply looked like a tired, old man. ' Harry growled as he tightened his hold on his girlfriend, 'What's going to happen now?' 'Madam Bones is here, she just wants to see your memories of what happened. "Lord Potter, we need you to come with us to St. That is what it was. Because most of the damage was done by Gryffindors, the entire House has lost all of their house points and must start from zero. Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter. , Ginny W. You're smarter than that. "You will drink that potion, and you will only be able to tell the truth. Bad ass Harry. Harry Potter is the broody, tragic hero with a saving people thing. Author's Note: I apologize for not getting this out sooner, but it was a bit of a hectic, busy week for me last week. As soon as Hermione had changed into the jeans and tee shirt she had chosen she rushed back down the stairs, not wanting to waste a minute of her life by being away from Harry for longer than was absolutely necessary. I didn't create them and do not own them. Molly nudged Sirius. "I'm expelled. Expelled? "Well, Weasley, I'll have to owl your mother about this. Potter, wizards have turned their back on the gods," Dumbledore said and Harry saw the hope in his voice that he would help Harry understand. hprkv zzaq dfqrhzg fiwhnq bqm yyhbd pcbhkx wwpdiv voaih ytjoik ohqbbzf lbod ozcc gjma zen